Social Issues
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Title Word Count
The AntiPornography Feminist Movement 4088
None Provided 830
Capital Punisment Against 1176
Is Implementing Uniforms In School The Right Thing To Do 1506
breast is best 1949
racism 1461
pred 1405
television 1415
Discrimination 616
Sacrificing a little for the good of all 1644
None Provided1 184
Diversity in the Workplace 8211 How Different Cultures Helped Shape Our Nation 2111
Pornography Ethics 2445
Euthanasia 2887
Market System 432
A Case For Active Euthanasia 920
Cloning 1814
Welfare 859
Social Work 157
Male Teachers 407
Self Defense A Womans Necessity 1631
The womans proper role in society 306
womens inequalities 1031
Feminine Beauty 1254
STDs 139
Violence on Television 894
African culture 1531
Who should decide our Values 1386
the American Dream 1331
Violence in Schools 1161
life 344
Contemporary American Families Changes that Affect the Structure and Functioning 2491
gangs 1423
Capital Punishment1 1676
poverty 1792
Campus Hate Speech Codes 401
truth and concequences of the NBA draft 1238
Drug Testing in Athletics 1626
handgun control 1100
Is Feminism Harmful 1908
Stop Smoking NOW 973
Should Animals be used for Research Testing 507
The Death Penalty 1140
Pollution 674
Logical Reasoning For the Legalization Marijuana 755
This Land is my Land 3038
the morality of creating life 1915
Over Population 1438
Women in the Military 1672
Marijuana 2072
Tobacco 580
Rights of the Disabled 1102
Public Discourse 1123
Teen Suicide 1421
racism1 1602
Social Development of Values and Benifits 967
Parents Just dont understand 1103
Social Structure of Barlett and Sabol Law Officies 1465
wwi 221
Y2K 2405
Prisons 1408
Perestroika 509
Media Violence and Its Effect On Kids 1663
Things Fall Apart 708
PovertyPanama vs the United States 442
TV Violence 1164
great depression on unemployment 415
hate speech codes 420
The Function of Leaders 2213
premarital sex 342
Communication and Race 1268
Crime and the death penalty 1470
Racism in America 757
Abortion The Rights of a Mother 369
What is a Hard Worker 922
socialiality 753
Interacial Adoptions 2221
Take the Capital out of the Punishment 821
carter woodsen 1035
Prejudice 817
KKK 497
prostitution 1447
Advertising 836
Men and Masculinity 1374
What is the Matrix 2303
rainforest 5808
How Children Deal with Death 1218
The Need for SchoolAge Care in America 626
The Struggle for Originality 1221
None Provided2 688
Racism 1
Brainwashing Americas Youth 1279
Wetlands 1478
Sexual Harassment Defessay 719
Capital Punishment2 2120
CEO Duality 1786
A Slaves Life 1693
gun control 494
Bearing Witness 290
Y2K1 2232
censorhsip in the public schools 2141
Teenage Drinking In America 1185
After the bomb 743
mock News report 224
The Problems of Air Pollution 1169
Wuthering Heights 980
Drinking Age 18 or 21 980
the barf 1047
fiery cross 5292
abortion 2500
Infidelity 1434
Television 1518
Contraceptives in High Schools 1331
Farrakhan and Nation of Islam 2208
Depression and Mental illness 2132
Use of title in Cry the Beloved Country 1309
The American Oligarchy 905
Opening Immigration Gates 658
Use of Force 735
Changing American Families 1688
marijuna 1122
The Effects of Drugs in the US 1048
company censorship 1412
None Provided3 2913
Tobaco Settlement 1176
Abortion 1174
Debate on Immigration 538
The Truth About the Sounds of Silence 304
Internet Porn 3176
Sobering Studies 589
women role in society 456
marijuana 898
marijuana1 898
Shalllow Persecutions 862
The Kennedy Assassination What the Warren Report Did Not Tell America 1221
death penalty 449
adolescent depression 1047
gun control1 870
School Girls 245
Creation vs Evolution 884
teenage smoking 1589
alchol 600
diversity 936
abortion1 1613
Abortion Whose choice is it 1613
Who cares 1668
A Drive for Justice 1674
feminist Backlash 2571
euthenasia 3814
Death 508
how to stop smoking 356
Assisted Suicide 623
Savage Inequalities 1438
India Women 1508
curfew 551
abortion2 833
Racism1 1982
Gun Control 1622
Racism2 149
Safe Sex How to protect yourself 1220
gambling 1592
women 270
Racist mascot 1040
Female Genital Mutilation 1582
response to Americas Altered States 276
Legalizing Homosexual Marriages 1203
gay rights 387
suicide 1596
Smoking 1129
The Russian Roulette of High School Curricula 981
smoking 1251
Understand 460
capital punishment 2403
Our Superficial World 351
Death Penalty 1519
Peer Pressure 331
In The Name of The Father 1194
Pro choice among women 1600
None Provided4 277
To Kll or Not to Kill 763
alcoholism in 3 societies 1279
Gender Inequality Research 855
Ebonics 2787
A Dangerous Game of Love 1301
The Effects of Alcoholism 482
Drunk Driving as a Social Issue 1622
Eugenics 4014
Child Abuse 1918
slaves 1008
Involuntary Psychiatric Treatment 1814
Foreigners in the Prague 371
Catch it 2255
Drug Legalization 506
Euthanasia1 613
Gay Marriages 1354
AntiTrust Case Against Microsoft 711
Problem Solving 1621
Individualism 517
internet censorship 810
Crime and Punishment 1008
Gin Control 1879
Justice Is it really bieng served 1328
taxes 2396
america tax 2304
Basic TrainingMen and Women Together 520
Drug Legalazation 1924
Stop the Deforetation 2385
Bud 1092
Gender Roles in Literature 2136
Does Violence on Television Cause Aggressive Behaviori 1793
Disoriented and discombobulated College Drunks 1260
school safety 959
Gender roles 1098
Genetically Engineered Crops Improvement or Potential Disaster 2199
None Provided5 2175
Gay Marriages1 1265
juvenile delinquency 2986
Malcom X 1285
Gun Control1 1284
Should Internet Have a Tax 684
Women in Educational Administration The Glass Ceiling Is Still There 3165
Affirmative Action 2575
Has the information revelotion benifited society 2566
Brazilian Feminism 584
Social Darwinism and Social Welfare in the United States 1491
Concepts of Divorce 2370
year round education 1057
On lying in bed 418
imagine a country 690
country 689
Gender Roles 266
Applied Nostalgia 3787
violence and television 217
Anorexia and the Media 817
Aging 3818
Media Violence 2252
Shakespreaken sonnets 406
Police Brutality 1174
Euthanasia2 543
Gay Marriage 1675
family violence 3439
LA Riots 2747
culture shock 1200
world hunger 1627
abortion3 1133
Internet Privacy 946
All Quiet on the Western Front 905
Class Communication in Multicultural America 428
An Essay on Man 1371
Diversity in the Workplace 4862
Inhumane Treatment 226
None Provided6 1559
Abortion Do We Have the Right to Kill 1487
Violence in Video Games 702
Social Issues of Yesterday and Today 612
Domestic Violence 1739
Bulemia Nervosa 2062
Changing the Drinking Age to 18 844
realities of homelessness 182
Racism3 1310
Cigarette Smoking 681
The Politics and Economics of FDA Drug Approval 2866
drug debate 2872
Gun Control2 2135
Children Growing Up Poor in America 641
Worl Hunger 1931
Gun Control3 947
light vs dark 511
Capital Punishment4 2508
teen pregnancy 424
Equality for Women A Critique of Why Sports is a Drag 867
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and its Effects on Society 1291
The Enviromental Effects on Terrorism 1416
Twin Separation 272
Nuclear terrorism 375
Who Do We Think We Are againsth the death penalty 1606
Mothers 1181
Violence in Sports 2035
None Provided7 2256
Crime Rate 604
beauty within 1523
Why Abortion Must Be Legel 2190
White Privilege as it Pertains to White and Minority College Students 1879
Field Experience at AA 1061
Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B Anthony 525
Why Make Divorce Easy 523
None Provided8 523
The case against the death penalty 1188
social welfare 1722
A Different Enviroment Helps Students 890
Child Abuse1 813
Censorship and Pop Culture 2092
The American Hippie 2344
Technology Kills 1578
Marriage 298
death penalty1 1002
social stratification 566
are we equal 426
global warming 1147
Capital Punishment research 1418
dyslexia 3022
Homosexual Marriage 1195
The Uwa in Colombia 573
Child Abuse2 566
Giving up Freedom of Speech Censorship on Hate Sites 1437
Child Sexual Abuse Prevention 2346
Death to the Death Penalty 1487
wife beating 289
Racism in Sports 815
fashionably loud 648
UniBomber 1085
capital punishment1 1145
Gun control 606
Rape Overview 771
Age Discrimination Within The Work Place 1820
gays 758
Abortion ProChoice or ProLife 1601
Cocaine 399
Communication in South Africa 510
The Death Penalty1 1064
gun control2 1417
Criminal Justice 1053
Euthanasia3 1172
fetal tissue transplants 1664
Child Labor 1354
The Social Model of Mental Illness 1266
corporations 1035
yes 411
Medicinal Marijuana 920
Honesty is the best Policy 851
hi 316
Media effects on voters 1030
Death Penalty1 2770
None Provided9 268
Fighting for Civil Rights during the 608217s 547
capitol punishment 740
Its Time To Do Something 960
Eating Disorders 774
Working Women and Family Lifestyles 4556
steroids 1249
jason dream 1249
Communication 789
uniform crime reports v ncvs 916
Who we Are 2055
Born Gay Theory 1366
United States Penal System 1093
Is Ritalin the Answer to AD H D 769
Does the Military Continue to Have Sexual Harassment and Discrimination 1543
Euthanasia4 1028
Engineering 2457
Abuse 1407
Does Sex Education Work 964
African Dread and Nubian Locks 1014
euthanasia 425
Alcohol 502
Secret Crimes of Compassion 1732
Arabs in America 569
moral or immorral 551
guns 4280
Death of a criminal 975
Did Someone Say Respect 849
Euthanasia5 1134
How Class influences identities 511
Affirmative Action A Need for Reform 2629
fdr 672
Gender and Morality 1449
Health Care 1937
a shot in the dark 1495
teen suicide 721
Violence in Schools1 491
human values and ethics vs philisophical ethics 2723
Violence In the media 1500
School Shootings 1697
capital punishment2 962
Slavery 924
Relationships 1142
Native underachievement 1480
smoking1 542
Selfidentity 798
A Practical Approach to Television Violence 2540
Problems 749
Gonorrhea 344
None Provided10 626
Juviniles and the death penalty 1449
Freedom of choice 358
Reflections on Eating Habits and Who a Person Is 614
Terrorism 3134
Koreans 2885
Ethics 553
Social influence on criminal behavior 7055
battered womens syndrome 3610
The smoking problem in America 591
A lesson in Learning 955
Menwomen 341
Dedicated to One Task 977
ford pinto 611
College A constuctive burden 409
Cloning The New Trend of the Century 518
biracial adoption 1600
How the Rich Benefit from the poor 5168
Family Values 509
Guns 1390
Texas Indians 2054
Gandhi 1889
Mary Rowlandson 1269
Jon lewis 781
serial killer 4144
Abortion2 684
Bilingual Education Is It Our Responsibility 654
Your Identity Has Been Confirmed 688
Josephine Butler 611
gun control3 483
television 614
None Provided11 2977
Hamlets Madness 1685
Vouchers 2361
Homeless What has been done to decrease the problem 814
discrimination of women in the workplace 847
Bilingual Education 1673
black bear population in new jersey 1675
conflict in the balkans 4988
The Simpsons Americas Household 988
bathgate 854
Social Policy Foster Care Act 1999 3740
Women in the late 19th century 528
AIDS in Africa 1244
feminism 150 years of action 1968
closed circuit television promotes social inequality and control 873
pornography 1725
Respect 944
Divorce 2270
censor 721
An Argument for Euthanasia 2054
Divorce and Children 1503
affirmative action1 1429
Sign Of The Times 1191
The Female Question 947
Rapetrue or false 420
How to be a good citizen 618
History Of the Labor Movement in th United States 741
Nature Vs Technology 541
Debate 864
Vietnam 1615
Napster Debate 2031
poverty1 269
Sanctions 731
Marijuana Fact and Fiction 969
Racial Profiling 1613
Cloning1 498
Crime and Gender 824
Televisions effects on children 286
Cloning2 1716
child abuse 1731
Alcohol Tobacco Advertising on the Web 1121
Eating disorders 2764
issue 13 634
Live and Let Die 1438
Americans with Dsiablities Act 518
Legallization of Marijuana anti 1217
Affirmative Action and Its Effects 1960
Genetic Engineering Cloning 2250
Poppy Don and I 592
Why I want a husband 230
Human rights in China 2693
Putting a Name to the Confusion 1366
Violence in Our Schools 929
Electronic addiction a personal essay 1281
spelling 1023 187
The Effects of Smoking 1920
Globalization Threat to the Environment 1248
parents and teenagers 835
Too Many People 829
Multiracial Identity 1113
dred scott case 2545
abortion 1011
abortion in america 1011
Generation Y 1011
Gender Bias 1188
Divorce And The Problems In Todays Society 2017
Lower the Drinking Age in the United States 663
media 218
Three excerts from Jonathan Swifts A Modest Proposal 273
Lowering The Drinking Age 621
My american Dream 610
Excess Weight Politics or Personal Burden 523
AbortionA Choice 1308
TV and CHildren 1334
TV and CHildren1 1334
homosexuauilty 948
Abortion3 3900
legalized marijuana 2835
Acceptance is Necassary 994
Euthanasia6 831
Alternative Energy 8211 The Solution to the Fossil Fuel Dilemma 1660
gun control4 1406
racism2 292
8220The Right to Live or Die8221 671
Dealth Penalty 721
Bushs Claim to the Presidency 1780
Are Professional Athletes Overpaid 1429
AIDS 2118
Smoking Why do it 454
A Womans Right To Chooseor not 1905
videoconferencing 1081
Racism4 322
Panama Deception 579
Abortion4 513
The Gap 449
police and their effect on prison population 1587
Problem of Alcoholism 901
Israels Stubbornness 602
hate crimes 815
Civil Disobedience 816
death penalty2 6957
The Duel Nature of the progressive Era 1647
Assisted Suicide1 740
The outlet for children violence is in your room 821
Pros and Cons of Death Penalty 185
why we need afirmative action 1746
Mass Media In America 1035
The Truth behind ads 938
option b 825
affirmative action2 797
cement plant raises issues 1487
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace 1748
The CocaCola Company 2215
Ethan Frome 1302
discrimination 634
pornography1 4461
keith porter is gay 1934
The Influence of Violence in Sports 1551
Life or Death 1136
Language in Mexico 1366
Euthanasia7 1791
Napster 2031
drug abus 670
School Shootings1 6787
High School Cuts 466
Violence And TV 1552
guns1 165
Abortion5 1398
adolescent abortion 3657
Womens Rights 1264
Animal Rights1 513
Legalize Marijuana 1660
None Provided12 481
Juvenile Justice 1341
Gender Roles1 880
Middle eastern women 1807
why college students dont vote 1135
A Tilte That Kills 973
Taiga 219
school vouchers 1783
Illiteracy 651
violent effects of tv on children and teens 516
Immigration Today 3439
The Death Penalty2 695
None Provided13 828
Rivethead Social Issues of Work 1681
Affirmative Action1 3258
The Tobacco Wars 671
Gambling 872
MLK jr 392
Pregancy Discrimination 705
None Provided14 626
Conflicts in an American Family 1132
alcohol 1310
Animal Experimentation at New York University 965
Cognitive Dissonance 1652
Death Penalty2 1159
NGOs Help or Hinderancy 486
military service should be mandatory 821
Doctors VS Government The War on Legalizing Marijuana 1960
Rape Looking Beyond Sexua Desire 1301
CAPITAL PUNISHMENT For It or Against It 1338
social economic effects of children 3582
Jinnah Jalals Thesis 1884
Inequality 1524
social problems with ecstay 1330
Abortion6 1449
decriminalize Pot 1357
Hate 1593
Illegal Immigration 1203
tre 2550
Hate Crimes Polluting America 1077
AIDS1 563
Secret sexist lessons 1271
Road Rage 1464
Social Welfare 1253
tobacco advertising 768
violence in society 1871
Crime in america 1848
Workers Compensation Fraud 1691
Frederick Douglas and slavery 467
Gender roles1 855
None Provided15 886
Rewarding Special Talents 672
Human Rights Violations Against Women Honor Killings 2135
Genetic Engineering 3330
Urbanization 920
prostitution1 1758
Abortion should not be legal 2948
Womens Independence 373
Legilaizing Marijuana 1364
television is the downfall of our society 803
Wrongful Death Row Convictions 456
Rise in the Context of Globalization 1077
Down to FeministsHail to real women everywhere 648
The Most Serious Social Problem In My Mind 862
collegeenivornment 2975
The Death Penalty Debate 780
third party intervention in civil conflict 1187
Marijuana1 1002
fall of the roman empire 372
Influential People 1047
Abortion Selective Reduction 1021
The development and impact of romanricism on the eupropean world 1612
women 632
rite of passage 196
Jonathan Swift 957
America has become too free 323
War against women 373
Pressure of Being an Athlete 225
Desirees Baby 1057
Ethics1 509
The Heavens Gate Suicides 574
School Violence 973
India Notes 4003
rainforest1 1736
Genocide in Rwanda 734
sfsc strike 819
Capital Punishment7 1898
The Environment Proactive vs Reactive 896
Mango Street and American Social Classes 682
Police 1691
Chain Gangs 2702
Media Not totally to blame for the violence in society 984
None Provided16 2913
The Daewoo Group Organization 1184
race stuff 1298
What Price Freedom 731
Homeless 1136
Election 2000 To Close to CallHow 1129
Election 2000 To Close to CallHow1 1129
gun control vs the second amendment 873
bullying 1329
condoms in HS 2362
gun control5 1300
rioot Policing 1997
Kent State Riot 1997
Business security 826
Protecting our Children From Protection condom distribution in schools 519
overpopulation 561
Japanese Internment 730
Presidential Power In A National Crisis 1488
me 337
Ethical Treatment of a Methadone Client in a Public Detoxification Facility 1874
Should Kids Be Tried as Adults 929
euthanasia1 683
None Provided17 736
untitled 776
Orphan Drugs 1820
Female Genital Mutilation1 1802
Binge Drinking 663
Domestic Violence1 1606
School Uniforms A Persuassive Essay Against 648
General Theory of Alcoholism 1293
Divine Law vs human Law 915
Television and Violence 1238
Anerexia Nervosa 830
world hunger1 1937
Domestic Violence in Rural Areas 2750
The Underminding of the Canada Health Act 2406
Are your ears open 1035
To Be A Boy In America 573
hazing 784
Gender Issues 1374
Afffirmative action 3253
Flag Dessicration 591
Gender as a social construction 839
Fables 534
If We Stand Together 795
violence in school 1029
Is a Womans Place in the Home 1673
Rock and Roll 3453
Getting Over Gender Walls 4108
Alcohol1 2087
legalization of marijuana 549
The Need for Knowledge 1111
Legalization of Marajuana 5857
holding the system in contempt 710
Mumia Monologue 425
The rights of punishment 3391
I am a Frat Guy 693
Lying 928
The Hollocaust 762
stress advice 282
Politics A moral Quandary 1171
affirmative action4 3398
Pornography in the media 3409
Capital Punishment8 1026
None Provided18 452
Analytic Response domestic violence 748
Capital Punishment9 2571
Public Speaking 1183
child labour and society 1528
Supplemental Childcare Program 1475
women1 1042
Comparing the Daily Lives of African American Women in the 1940s and Today 3466
Genetic modification 628
Alcohol and Drug Abuse Among College Students 947
Feminist Care Ethics 1428
Women In The Society 712
Effects of Losing Weight 1049
Sex education the lack of religious influence 1466
CubaCuban Missile Crisis 2691
Teenage Experience 280
None Provided19 1944
Women Studies Final Report 4111
Who is Responsible for Creating these Violent Young Men 1055
Who is Responsible for Creating these Violent Young Men1 1063
Friends 877
What is Existentialism 459
Revelation and Christians 872
Scopes Monkey Trail 679
Desarrollo Economico del Caribe 1302
Teenage drug use 7839
Interracial Adoption 1505
Racism in our Colleges 2694
should juveniles be tried as adults 1368
a personal situation 570
Internet censorship 1663
Who Killed JFK 687
Napster the Internet and MP3s 1057
Capital Punishment10 1693
Recognizing Violence Within Homosexual Relationships 937
Women Have Come A Long Way 1012
The Cult Threat 854
social security 330
microeconmics 4531
Dangerous Drivers 902
Torture and Abuse to Children 3561
Totalitarian Agriculture 1280
South Africa 918
klan 394
The Electoral College 2623
Handguns 495
Police corruption 2951
raves 1332
Napster1 1248
CompareContrast GoreBush 873
Death Penalty4 742
prejudice 1464
And the band played on critique 489
black world 560
None Provided20 2262
Mary Jane 1168
Email Cause of Great Concern 394
The Haves and Havenots 1353
The One Thing in Society that Makes Me Angry 206
Morality and Guns Today 1051
Peer Pressure1 458
Pygmalion 1564
De trein plezier of gevaar 704
thesis on of mice and men 315
Pornography 5215
British Stereotypes in America 1318
preschool good or bad 132
American Culture and Gender vs Racial Differences 711
euthanasia2 655
Got Beer 1140
california utility 499
Teen Runaways 1307
Napster2 690
Captial Punishment 1401
None Provided21 1817
suburban living 528
prohibition in 1920 1696
Trash on the Internet 969
The efects of the titanic 401
Are you hungry too 1139
Birht Control or Legal Murder 2329
Child law uk 1416
Dress Codes 931
aboriginal self government and the canadian justice system1 2634
None Provided22 882
Abortion Moral or Immoral 973
Krisher 125
Workplace Violence 1645
joy luck club 138
Child Abuse3 488
Protection of the Commercial Use of Free Speech 654
nothing 114
The emerging family 1438
sexism 194
teenage suicide 1203
Expositon Determing Hate Crimes 709
Cockfighting vs Commercial Meat Chicken Production 567
None Provided23 1299
Amazing Grace 2029
Abortion Debate 835
Womens Rights1 1912
The History of Mexican Immigration 2177
Youth Violence 1378
Overpopulation 705
Applying Anthropology to Nursing 1342
Men Dont Tell 639
Sex Education 4342
The Hard Way 901
Survey Says 1363
Moral Panic 410
Prostitution Why Not Legalize It 1922
Gun Control4 1828
The Prevalent Issues of Surrogate Parenting 1723
Social Factors Affecting Inner City Poverty 1179
Inner City Poverty 1179
Is the Death Penalty an Effective Punishment 1547
should random drug testing in businesses be legal 1360
Poverty and Ethics 986
Euthanasia A Right to Die 1747
Public Opinion and Deterrence 1041
Welfare Reform 2734
Police Corruption 719
None Provided24 1582
Capitol punishment 625
bilingual education 3381
expository writing 1901
women in Syria 1249
bulimia 753
Music Censorship 694
Gender Roles Construction 838
Censorship 921
Time to Change with Time 1245
Sexual Harassment 741
Fraternities are not all bad 656
Adult Entertainment and First Ammendment Rights 1240
Understanding writing 948
Manners Exsist 715
picking on fat kids 446
Effects of Gambling 1767
Lowering Drinking Age 1038
capital punishment4 671
At the Cadian ball 741
Security Threat Groups 2740
An Acceptable Punishment 743
The Peace Bridge 1562
confederate flag this one sucks 1907
Underage drinking age 21 502
Capital Punishment11 1770
Capital Punishment Just or Unjust 1905
Suicide 1531
mutual funds 649
Medicinal Marijuana A Wonder Drug or Danger to Society 1068
Mandatory Uniforms in Public Schools 2533
population 463
Self and Society 1528
Human Cloningargumentative 2241
feminism 2067
Affordable Housing 792
None Provided25 291
Dredging the Hudson River 1968
Capital punishment Edward Earl Johnson 1912
Schizophrenia 1119
For or Against School Uniform 555
Gangs 1578
sexual harassment 501
death penalty3 476
teen suicide1 2303
Baby boomers 3084
Diversity in Outdoor Adventure Recreation 740
hidden By Silenece 821
The effects of scientific racism on black women 6610
the best education 1382
Abortion8 1516
The Female Body the Media and its Effects 1240
Gene Therapy and its Effects on Societys Future 288
Binge Drinking1 1470
juvenile psychopaths 3533
Being a smart comsumer 493
Childhood Poverty 1649
Euthanasia8 538
is rape motivated by sex 1532
Contrast and compare Hitler to the Japanese Army 928
The War on Drugs 472
Video Game Violence 1640
Incarcerating a Generation 4198
Affirmative action now 1344
Amazing Grace1 2646
The Texas Death Penalty 3492
Kashmir Paradise Exposed to Hell 2806
Separate but Equal summary 517
Ordinary Men or willing Executioners 2606
Capital Punishment Opposing View Points 1425
Fewer Morals More Crime 1171
Love and color 3536
Anthrax 2365
Legalizing Gay marriages 572
The Concept of Girlhood in the Modern World 1745
The Debate Regarding the Legalization of Marijuana 1595
Intolerance in a Tolerant Culture 754
A College Education Is It worth 100000 941
CMV virus 1217
Smoking1 700
how the electronic media influences politics 596
land use in idaho 2000
Objectivity in Journalism 862
Research on Martin Luther King Jr And 8220The Letter from the Birmingham Jail8221 4307
Circle Sentencing 1397
SelfRespect 568
The Justice of Death 997
Holocaust and Society 1909
Obscenity 1487
Love 946
infidelity 191
Drug Legalization1 392
Capital Punishment13 2160
Environment quality research and developmentAir Pollution 441
The State of Americas Children 1809
Juvenile Delinquency Contributing Factors Current Research and Intervention 1796
echo boomers crime 2037
KKK1 1161
Proposal 368
Gender Roles In Star Trek Next Generation 1707
Sexual Harassment1 1241
Teenage Smoking 530
police abuse 3681
the myth of the american dream 1280
D P 484
8220Don8217t Do It8221 The Nike Corporation 614
None Provided26 935
marijuana2 6353
Abortion9 958
Penalizing Profanity 1051
Reverse Discrimination 2166
sencorship 202
Television Harmful 556
Legalization of Marijuana 1922
American health care 2301
The Death Penalty3 364
The Oppression of the Lower Class by the DMV 1640
None Provided27 1186
samesex marriage pro 1282
I cant hear you 593
American Civil Liberties Union 687
None Provided28 1150
Internet censorship1 3612
Separation between state and religion 2963
aids 1361
School violence 1449
Competition For Grades 515
censoring internet 4733
The Atomic Bomb Debate 1116
Robert E Lee 388
superficiality 592
apartheid 349
Child Labor1 1551
Child Abuse4 1137
Do people have some rights just by being human 1535
Abortion Right or Wrong 558
censorship 4739
Is The United Nations The Answer To The Worlds Problems 608
Greed 645
Where Do I Fit 2065
A Trace of the Development of Southern Nationality 2780
Initiative 200 654
Uniforms Cannot Control School Violence 352
That drugs should be legalized 625
Capital punishment 847
teenage drinking 5131
los paises subdesarrollados 777
The merchant of Venice 408
Coke Facts 822
none 1134
The American Dream and African Americans 1974
Should Juveniles be Tried As A 611
Cloning Is it right 569
Immigration is an issue of great controversy 1689
Death Penalty5 448
the un 894
Pornography1 611
Culture of Today 892
Not All Heroes Wear Nikes 370
None Provided29 2540
The American Scholar 1027
Womens Sufferage 1586
slavery 109
Animals Testing ExtinctionHabitat Loss and Mass Hunting 987
It takes Two the impact of dualincome families 1878
Location of landfills 1165
Animal Rights2 736
None Provided30 1045
one child policy 781
Humanities 477
The Crucible witch hunt 4324
Sexual Harassment and Rape 1495
The Treatment of Manic Depression Now and Then 393
Teenage Drinking 1586
prohibition 826
Crime and Punishment1 1144
Censorship1 502
Avoiding Physical Punishment In Child Rearing 1533
None Provided31 2018
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee 815
Euthanasia is Wrong 1951
None Provided32 827
Toni Morrisons essay 770
Learning in America 1645
Is over population alone responsible for wars 398
Melting Pot 1021
STDs1 1456
polygamy 740
None Provided33 327
mandatory minimums 759
None Provided34 266
road rage 1071
Tabaco Ad 2020
Australian Foreign Policy 531
Population growth in Brazil and its effects 3792
integrity in the work place 312
WTO summary 525
Men According To Bly 823
My Lai Massacre 2742
divorce 1860
The Debate Over Multicultural Education in America 2905
Historical Criticism of Man8217s Fate 1727
drug wars 2388
KKK2 536
Historical Criticism of Mans Fate 1727
Auto theft 866
home school 1709
Affirmative action 571
Cloning3 1267
Meaning of Life 110
divorce1 1028
A Missed opportunity 530
My life 842
media censorship of violence 1490
None Provided35 228
prejudice1 615
Been gay is really a choice 399
Fear of Getting Sued 738
The Economic Impact of the Attack on the World Trade Center 736
Vietnam1 261
Values A Code of Honor 828
Violence in School 8606
Gays in the Military 1569
Spanish Weekends 554
fall in love stay in love 1017
Propaganda in American Media 1074
Ecstacy is Downfall 572
Globilization 750
None Provided36 804
pphysician assisted suicide 423
Minimum Wage 1007
The Role of the Media in Australia 2837
tv censorship 596
Death Penalty7 1078
The Task at Hand 1398
Mandatory Sentencing 853
coderedvirus 1608
Gender Roles2 865
communtiy policing 3349
Marshall McLuhan 1487
immigration 1123
Media Violence1 1106
John Wayne Gacy 2023
If You Take A Minute to Look at A Cookie8230 660
study of social problems 1592
Majority v Minority 638
violence in the media 614
Rede Social em Portugal 2157
Discrimination within the Death Penalty 2012
eating disorders 2969
The System 1256
italy 775
Crossing Gender Lines 1221
Cloning is Ethically and Morally Wrong 946
Families Today 257
marriage culture in the us 1496
Playing Games with Women8217s Sports 611
Ecstasy and Raves 1854
Conformity and Obedience in An Enemy of the People 750
Domestic violence and how it is seen as a precusor to homelessness in women 1245
Poverty It Affects Everything 966
Paper on Cheating 507
Lies 197
george washington 578
Pro Choice Live Your Own Life 429
drugs from different perspectives 2738
Homelessness 2482
Intraracial Diversity and Relations among African Americans 280
Homelessness in our Nation 2482
Juvenile Drug Use 2028
Immigration 747
Dangerous Delusions 634
Perception Paper 608
racism in the us 2318
The Right to Keep and Bear Arms 1590
Titile IX 5896
Intro to Genetic Engineering 1373
Criminalogical Theories applied to Monster The Autobiography of an LA Gang Member 1243
Parole Should Be Ablished 1700
Socialism Vs Capitalism 1502
Capital Punishment 1600
The EverChanging American Culture 3655
None Provided37 1995
The Holocaust What do You Believe 1995
Social Welfare Past and Present 1332
mulattoes 1407
Captial Punishment1 839
Gun Control5 616
Gangs1 3076
Barbie A Sex Symbol 896
Troublemakers 1235
financial pressures in health care 1127
GenderRelationships in Love Jones 2528
inequality 437
What is Critical thinking 469
premarital sex1 3042
Violence in Video Games1 4028
Drug Abuse 7839
Affirmative Action5 1101
sex in soceity 1922
Tiny patients find complete care at NICU 326
psychology 109
Televisions influence on society A 2349
should Marijuana be legel 443
Should Marijuana Be Legalized 6148
Kyoto Protocol Advantages and Limitations 1724
violence in schools 2156
Should handgun ownership be banned 487
Human Rights Violations Against Women 2135
Abortion11 1745
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome 1865
On the Relative Intelligence of Women A Review of Two Essays 1534
death penalty5 1673
Preventing School Violence 1717
Womens Rights in 3rd World Countries 3075
Mr 156
morrie 489
Womens Economic Role in Russia 1872
globalization 1405
same couple marriage 895
steroetyping 765
What is Globalization 237
Civil Liberties 520
Emotion Arounnd Us 2337
Abortion12 804
circus animals 631
Russia on Direct Investment 485
Organized Racism 1057
This is America 1279
Knowledge is Bliss 827
gun control6 353
Censorship2 2640
Origins of the NHS 2088
The Right To Die 822
prostitution 2152
Child Labor2 808
Ebonics1 796
Teen Rebellion 784
None Provided38 1022
teenage alcoholism 1243
Same sex Marriages 2487
ethics 1037
The Forever Young 699
A small study on the falsities of human interaction 3868
female genital issues 310
female issues 469
The Good the Bad and the Elderly 532
None Provided39 163
excuse for hate 987
weber 1135
ProDeath Penalty 1121
Smoking2 3396
Child Abuse A Topic to Take Lightly 577
Democracy Can it survive in Afghanistan 548
Capital punishments 1531
Quotes about guns 3337
Sea of Concrete 906
Interracial Marriages 1586
Influence 632
Gun Control6 706
Homelessness a condition or a decision 905
Violence and Todays Media 1688
Behind the Mind of a Serial Killer 1236
The Communist Manifesto 490
Internet Behaviors 1023
kkk420 2164
None Provided40 1612
Marijuana Legalization 378
Women in Combat 1114
NOS 593
madonna feminism 723
STD 1720
The holocaust 2691
the new crime 1686
Privacy In The Workplace 715
Father Knows Best 1763
Welfare Reform1 731
drugs and teens 1402
Abortion13 1082
working women 443
Cosmetic Surgery 1147
The Source 109
THe Single 100
None Provided41 736
My social Disorder 109
gang vilonce 186
Membership Of The EU 1820
Violent Themes 400
Stereotypes as a Propaganda Tool 1303
International Student University Enrollment 701
Drugs 1600
Capital punnishment 537
A Liberal Arts vs Vocational Education 944
racism3 3400
Divorce1 1981
Does Gender Still Play a role in the Workplace 669
cigarettes 873
Motives of Murder 621
editoral 249
cloning 1551
martha Stewart mso 464
Marriage in the 19th century 698
Parents and smoking 1859
Race In Sports 1543
Women and selfesteem 2054
Choices 530
Broken Promises of the French Revolution 3838
Mexican Americans 897
Muslims 576
Abortion15 2053
Is It Right 1008
psalm 23 129
Do Needle Exchange Programs Reduce the Spread of AIDS 340
Separation of Church and State An attack on Americas Ideals 1525
Malcom x 757
Death Penalty9 539
Drug Testing Violate Civil Rights 270
Consequeces of Cheating 324
Women in Africa 1245
Adolescence Essay 913
Persuasionpro death penalty 1852
Smoking is Bad 853
Gender Stereotypes 1395
None Provided42 879
The Mapuche People of the Earth 579
None Provided43 2466
Heroin 1373
the crime of capital punishment 1257
Transracial Adoption 1971
Negotiating Salary 2225
The Death Penalty4 2178
Your Average Too Run Of The Mill Aussie Bloke 1597
Tp peirce or not to perice 459
issues 584
I Want To Be Perfect 1174
Detention Vs Suspension 795
mercy killing 2014
Youth at Risk America8217s Alcohol Problem 2976
The Effects of Teen Pregnancy on Children 1096
Terror in teh mind of god 1314
English Our Official Language 1238
Keys to a life long love 541
sexual harassment1 351
Prolife Can I Live 445
Social side of alcohol 480
education reform 1500
Legalize Marijuana1 1080
supreme court 665
Random Drug Testing 405
Piercing 712
Lake Mendota Run off 1952
Global Warming 834
fetal alcohol syndrome 741
None Provided44 579
Campaign Finance Reform 1574
frankenstein 112
Censorship of Music 927
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