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Abortion is one of the most controversial issue people are faced with. People stand strong for both sides. Will it be possible to ever reach a solution? Is it necessary to take away a womens right to choose. At what stage of the fetuss life can it be considered a person. [A husband and wife are married for some years have a stable income and have been trying to get pregnant, and finally after talking about a baby they decide they are ready to have one, and when the couple finds out shes pregnant they rejoice and begin telling family and getting the room ready. Then finally after the nine-month wait and many doctors visits the baby has arrived and goes home to a happy mother and father. However that situation is the most ideal but most pregnancies arent as wonderful as that happy couples. Studies show that 60% of all pregnancies are unplanned (Joffe, 29). We arent saying that all those pregnancies will be aborted many will carry out the pregnancy and have a healthy and wonderful child but there are some cases were abortion is the only option, and women should be able to make that decision. Anti-abortionists cast women into two categorys victims who are coerced by others around them and deviants who have little difficulty with the abortion decision which is made casual for convince sake (Joyce, 7). However many studies show that the typical abortion patient is a mentally stable women who makes the decision for abortion within a few days after the discovery of the pregnancy and comes through the procedure virtually unscathed (joffe, 8). If what Joffe is saying is true which is must because her theory is the same that was in several review articles form 1990-92 in highly respected journals such as Science and The American Journal of Psychiatry. How are anti-abortionist saying the exact opposite? Because, anti-abortionist results are flawed due to the lack of small samples, unrepresentative samples, poor data analysis and the i...

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