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Binge Drinking

My report is on the disease binge drinking. Binge drinking is a dangerous drinkingproblem that many people have. A binge is defined as five or more alcoholic drinks inone sitting for a man, and four for a woman. Binge drinking is extremely common amongAmerican high school and college students. In fact, one-third of high school and collegestudents admit to a binge in the last 30 days. I think that this high rate is reasonable sincedrinking is still seen as a popular activity in many colleges as seen in the horrible accidentsin the newspaper or on television. On television shows and in movies binge drinking israrely shown as a dangerous and horrible thing. Alcohol is more commonly shown withfriends, beauty, and enjoyment. I researched a survey which said that children who aresurveyed recognize the Budweiser frog slogan as often as they do Bugs Bunny's." Many people today have this problem of abusing alcohol; many of them beingteenagers. Someone can develop this problem by starting a habit of drinking oralcoholism. One drink a night can lead to two. Two drinks a night can lead to three. Three drinks a night can lead to a serious binge drinking problem. The only real way totransmit this disease is through genes. Scientists have known that alcohol problems can behereditary. The baby of this mother may have an initial craving for alcohol and may feel illwithout alcohol in its system. That is why drinking when you are pregnant can be a verydangerous thing. Binge drinking will definitely cause the person to feel without controlover his or her body. They will be very dizzy and crazy. This can be dangerous for thedrinker and dangerous for the people around him or her. This is why drinking and drivingcan be so perilous. Some people have been killed because of a heavy drinker while thedrinker walks away unharmed. The effects of binge drinking are that as you get more andmore obsessed with alcohol, there can be many more lon...

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