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Gun Control2

Introduction: The gun 1st appeared in Europe's literature in 1326. It evolved into a mechanical tool as no other tool before it, it incorporated different materials like wood and metal, it also involved physics, chemistry and had ignition. Thus, making the gun the foundation of modern technology, not to mention the fact it gave America its freedom."The shot that was heard around the World" April 19,1775.In 1689 the English Bill of Rights, was passed by Parliament in responsed to King James II trying to disarm his subjects. The English Bill of Right allowed the people to be armed "suitable to their condition"and "allowed by law." This Right was then transfered to the American colonies, and after the AmericanRevolution, our Bill of Rights of 1791, further strengthed the Right to Bear Arms with the words "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."Thesis Statement: I will persuade you in that, (1) federal gun control laws are unconstitutional, and (2) Iwill prove that the 2nd Amendment is both a "State" and "Individual Right." Can any of you tell me the difference between the Declaration of Independence, the United StatesConstitution, and the "Bill of Rights"? Lets start with the Declaration of Independence.What was the pur- pose of the Declaration of Independence? It outlined the reasons as to why the 13 colonies wanted sep-eration from Britian. What does the United States Constitution do? It outlines the federal government and gives it certain powers, these powers are stated within the document itself. What does the "Bill of Rights" do? (the Rights of the Individual). It limits the power of the federal government. How does the "Bill of Rights" limit the power of the federal government? Well, let me 1st give you an example. Can the federal government establish a federal religion? No! Why not? Because the 1st Amendment prohibits it. Lets look at the 1st Amendment. It says in part. "Congress shall make no law re...

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