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Shakespreaken sonnets

William Shakespeare, in his time and now, is a very profound figure. He is recognized as one of the greatest writers and poets of all time. Shakespeare wrote many works of art including "Shakespearean" sonnets. He wrote many sonnets in his lifetime. Some were written about men and some about women. Others talked highly of someone or something and yet others talked trifling about someone or something. In reading sonnets eighteen and one hundred and thirty, I found many differences, but little similarities. Sonnet eighteen is most likely about a man of whom Shakespeare admired very much and spoke of highly. Sonnet one hundred and thirty is about a woman of whom he loved, but really did not have anything nice to say about.In the beginning of sonnet eighteen, Shakespeare proposes a comparison between his beloved and a summer season. Summer is chosen because it is lovely and enjoyable, as his beloved. In the second line of the sonnet, the comparison is restricted: in outward appearance and character the beloved person is more beautiful but less extreme than summer. Shakespeare says that he, the young man, is more warm-hearted than the roughed winds of May that disturb the beautiful flowers. Shakespeare says that summer is too hot and Young, 2always too short. When he says, "And often his gold complexion dimmed," he means that the sun is often dimmed by the clouds. By saying every beauty from beauty is often declined by chance or nature's changing course, he means that every beauty will become less one day. He does not like the thought of this and you can somewhat tell because he is sort of complaining when he writes this. The ninth line takes up the comparison with summer again: summer has now become the summer of life. The comparison turns into a contrast referring back to the seventh line. Shakespeare's assurance becomes even firmer in lines eleven and twelve, which contains a promise that death will be conquered. "Et...

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