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Individualism versus Other "Isms" "Liberalism expresses an encompassing view of human life, one that aspires to leave individuals as much as possible free to shape their lives in a meaningful direction." According to Ronald Beiner, practices of liberalism are not the same with what it must be. Ronald Beiner criticises the liberalism and the communitarianism. In his journal, individuals have to get more rights to choice what they want and what they will do. However, it can only be a utopia. Also, it is not a good idea to break of individuals from community. The benefits of individualism -communitarian system like human's need of protection, success at the management and shaping of government and government's control over individuals.All beings have born in a society. Thinking process is done by the concepts which all comes from the language, the individual learns their usage and meaning from the society. His behaviours are shaped by the society. If all moral and expectations are shaped by the society, how this individual can be separated from society. Many individuals use social groups for preventing them from the outside. Community protects their members. An individual finds an environment to grow and get power. According to Singh, "a liberal democratic society may sometimes have to weigh the importance of certain forms of uniform treatment for all individuals against the importance of cultural survival and perhaps opt sometimes in favour of the latter." (Burtonwood 3)At many areas, the using of the communitarianism and individualism at the management helps making more money and efficiency. At the example from the People Management, in such companies such as Shell, Motorola and ABB, for instance, the individual gets a reward based on the basis of how well it nurtures individual. (2) However, the US' firms reward only individuals and this hinders the teamwork.Society forms the norms. These norms put in order of individual...

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