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The CocaCola Company

And its Relationship with the Greater Whole Coca-Cola is the number one captivator of peoples throats. The company, in the last one hundred years, has managed to transform peoples thirsts in to a need for Coca-Cola. The story of the Coca-Cola Company has humble beginnings. In 1885, John Pemberton, and Atlanta pharmacist, registered a trademark for French wine cola-ideal nerve and tonic stimulant, a brew he had developed in a three-legged pot he apparently stirred with an oar. His desire to create such a product was based upon a stomach injury and subsequent morphine addiction he acquired during the American Civil War. (Frederick p.31) His research led him to the Peruvian cola leaf whose healing effects included aiding digestion, aphrodisiacal powers, and life extending elements. He did not realize at the time that he invented the beverage that the cola leaf was as dangerous as morphine. (Frederick p.32) Nevertheless, the product was made available to the public, advertised as a means of alleviating both stomach and head aches. Pemberton did not have a very keen business sense, and so he hired Frank Robinson as the head marketer and manager of Coca-Cola. Robinson became the first in a long line of Coca-Cola men with a genius about the management of the product. By 1870, under the ownership of Asa Candler, the drink was the reason why people went to the soda fountain. (Frederick p.37) However, it was clear that the drink was still only appreciated within the southern United States. Coca-Colas problem with expansion at this time centered on two specific problems. Firstly, thousands of imitators made it impossible to distinguish the difference between the impostors and the Real Thing. However, after an extensive court battle the Company won all rights to its trademark, thus eliminating all would-be impostors from the competition. The second problem that faced the company involved the ingredients of the beverage in question. (Fr...

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