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legalization of marijuana

There are many people that are very sick in this world. They don’t want tolive no more. If marijuana makes them happy. If it makes them feel like theirold self again, then I’m all for the legalization for medical purposes only. Ithas been proven that marijuana helps out very ill patients. With no othertreatment options. Many patients say that it makes them feel stronger. Scotta patient on marijuana says “ that marijuana is a good medicine.” But the fedsneed more proof than that. Marijuana can be used to treat pain in many ways. For nausea, appetite loss caused by advanced cancer and Aids, multiplesclerosis, glaucoma, and other ailments. Most medical marijuana users aremales usually in their forties and suffering from Aids. The next most commonusers for medical marijuana are cancer patients. If marijuana does becomelegal it will be under strict medical oversight. There are many other ways toget the same effect without actually smoking the marijuana. There is alreadya pill called marinol, the only legal one out. Several small companies aredeveloping smokeless cigarettes, new pills, an inhaler and even a marijuanasuppository. Still, all of that is years away. In march a federal judge inPennsylvania dismissed challenges to a lawsuit seeking to legalize marijuanafor medical purposes, at issue was the governments “compassionate use”policy, which allows only a handful of seriously ill patients to take the druglegally, while denying it to others. I am against that so called “compassionateuse” policy. If two people are in pain, but one is near death and the other isnot. You can not give one medicine and make the other suffer. Even if theydid, how would they determine the cut off line for how sick you were,whether or not you could get marijuana.Many people who are for the legalization of marijuana are also forlegalizing it for everyone. I am very much against that. I feel tha...

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