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death penalty1

The moral problem surrounding the death penalty is that capital punishment violates the In the Roman Catholic Church we are supposed to love our neighbors as welove our selves. If we support the death penalty then we are not supporting every individual right to life. Which is fundamental and absolute sacred right that belongs toeach and every person.The arguments for capital punishment include the following: 1) the death penalty can beUsed as a deterrent to crime. 2) If the death penalty was abolished that may increase theRate of murders. 3) The punishment should fit the crime. 4) The instinct for retribution is part of the nature of man and channeling that instinct in the administration of criminal justice serves an important purpose in promoting the stability of a society is unable to impose upon criminal offenders the punishment they deserve then there are sown the seeds of anarchy. (Social Ethics, chap. 3 pg. 110)The arguments against the death penalty include the following: based on statistics published on the Internet, amnesty international states since 1977 four hundred and forty five people have been executed thirteen as of March 19, 1998. Of the four hundred and forty five executed, twenty three were wrongfully convicted There is no credible study has yet been produced any solid scientific evidence that the death penalty deters violent crime. The penalty of death is final what if we were wrong. Imprisonment would rehabilitate the criminal.My position is that the punishment should fit the crime. If someone commits murder theyShould be put to death. Society has become desensitized to violence with all the movies Glamorizing violence. Also the media coverage of crimes while they are occurring,Like the Columbine tragedy and following O.J. Simpson alluding police with his attempted escape. Society does not even seem to be bothered with all the violenceShown on television and in the newspaper. I dont now when this count...

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