What are the function and problems within the globalization process? "Globalization creates new challenges and opportunities for those people who are of greatest concern to the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement - that is, the Disadvantaged. Thehumanitarian players - that is, the UN system and its organisations, the Red Cross Red Crescent,NGOs - have several roles to play in relation to globalization. We should monitor the impact ofglobalization and help governments to strengthen safety nets and provide basic social services.We must reinforce our efforts to address the needs of vulnerable people and we must adapt ourmethods of assistance and do all we can to prevent additional, or new, groups from becomingvulnerable. We need a stronger commitment to co-operation and co-ordination among ourselves,with governments and local civil society. " We must also contribute to the global policy agenda to ensure that globalisationmoves in the right direction and supports efforts to reduce poverty and vulnerability. TheInternational Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies is particularly well-placed tosupport this endeavour through its network of 176 National Red Cross and Red CrescentSocieties who are in a special position to inform their governments as to the needs of vulnerablepeople. This morning, I would like us - participants, fellow panellists - to examine together howglobalization can reduce vulnerability. We need to ask ourselves some key questions. Firstly:How can we ensure participation in the globalization process? It is true that globalization canenable poorer countries to participate more effectively in the multilateral trading system.However, it is not true that these opportunities are within the reach of all countries. In fact, onlya handful of developing countries are really in a position to participate in the process and benefitfrom the new opportunities. 12 developing countries account for ...