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July 29, 1932 I went to a campaign speech I and heard Adolf Hitler campaigning for dictatorship for Germany. He was saying that his opponents say the National Socialists are not German at all, because they refuse to work with other political parties. I think every one should work together, I hope he doesn’t win. I don’t care for his ideas.December 25, 1932 Momma and Aunt Mildred made the best Christmas diner ever. I got a new suit from Papa and Mama. March 8, 1933 Hitler became the Dictator of Germany. It is a sad day for Jews, some of our friends and neighbors have been leaving to other countries, they say Germany will be ruined under Hitler’s rule. Papa says things will not get that bad.March 14,1933 The Nazis invaded, they set fire to most of it. It was bad enough that we must wear stars on our shirts and our businesses were taken.March 15, 1933 My family’s house was destroyed and we moved in with uncle Pincus. November 11, 1933 I'd heard rumors that Jews were going to Auschwitz. But I didn't know what Auschwitz means, I have heard rumors people are being kept in prison there, how can it be that Jews can be imprisoned without committing a crime. Mama is worried and papa and uncle Pincus are talking about escaping the city. November 14, 1933 We got the dreaded notice that we had been selected for resettlement farther east. There will be no time to escape from the soldiers. The train cars they took us in were actually cattle cars. We entered the cars and sat on our baggage. There was not very much room between us and the roof of the cattle car. We could not open them from the inside. The windows were small, open rectangles. Our car had from 100 to 120 people in it so it was quite crowded. We had some water and some food . The cars were sealed At night as we traveled, the train was filled with so many people that no matter where you turned you were almost face to face with the next per...

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