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South Africa

South Africa is a place of hurt, heart, and change. Over the years, South Africa has either been through rough times in the traditional tribal part, or being descriminated because of their color of skin.South Africa has two major tribal groups; The Nguni/South Ndebele, and the khoi/San. The South Ndebele, together with the Zulu, Xhosa and Swazi, belong to the South Nguni ethnic group. In the case of the South African Ndebele group, the area is the Southern part of South Africa. Here, they have lived, worked on farms, and hunted for generations. They are a very communal tribe. They work together, share together, help each other out, and hunt with each other. This group is very dependent on all of their "family."On the other hand the Khoi/San group is the complete opposite of the Nguni/South Ndebele. They live in the Kalahari Desert, they are Nomadic, and rely on livestalk to live. They might be more Independent then the Nguni, but they still get alittle help from their "families" too. Like they go hunting together. Unlike the Nguni the Khoi/San use poisoned arrows to kill their livestalk.Little did these groups know what they were going to be going through the next 300 years; colonialism. In 1652 South Africa was forever changed when Dutch established a "rest stop" in South Africa.Apartheid also unofficially started. At that time, the area was occupied by the Khoi/San clans. The pressure on the Khoi/San increased as more Dutch and French settlers arrived. By the 18th century, most Khoi/San had lost their land to these European settlers. Cape Town became a major port as a way station for the Europeans. The colonists were mostly farmers and cattle herders. They became known as the Boers. They developed their own culture and language (Afrikaans). In the 1770's, the Boers encountered the Bantu, who were migrating. The Nguni Bantu clans settled between the Drakensberg Mountains and the sea. The Sotho clans settled in the interior, north of ...

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