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Throughout history, race have been defined along genetic, legal, and social line each presenting its own set of problems. Genetic race has been defined by nothing differences in gene frequencies amongst selected groups. The legal definition of race were not devised to determine who was black or of another race, but rather who was not white. Most legal definitions of race were devices to prevent blacks from attending white schools, serving on juries, holding certain jobs, or patronizing certain public places. Last but not least we have social lines, which defines race as the decisive one in most interactions. It pays little attention to an individuals hereditary physical features or to whether his or her percentage of Negro Blood is one fourth, one eighth, or one sixteenth. According to social definitions of race, if a member of a certain race and others respond to that person as a member of that race, it makes little sense to say that he or she is not a member of that race. Although we have progressed to a more open-minded society, there are some issues that need to be cleared. Theres a case of discrimination and racial tension going on that need to be brought to a head. Many of these actions are taken place upon minorities. To a certain extent, our society is still segregated. We as believers of Christ needs to learn to accept each other for who we are and not for the color of ones skin.Some still see our society as a racist society. The past years of the 60s and 70s were to open doors for blacks and other minorities. Freedom marches were held, sit-ins, and different protest movements were held to fight for freedom and equal justice. Many would say that the battle has been won but I often find myself asking myself, Do we really have freedom. Blacks and other minorities would say that we are on level three on a scale of one to five. Weve accomplished level one, which was a key to unlock the doors of opportunity. We ga...

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