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In Finding Forrester a movie that takes place in the Bronx, there are two main characters, William Forrester and Jamal Wallace who find friendship in an unlikely way because of their passion for reading and writing. Though both are very different from each other they are drawn together by similar interests.The characters are different in many ways; Forrester is a male Caucasian in his mid seventies who graduated from Columbia University and lives by himself. Forrester has confined himself to his apartment for ten years. His only foray to the outside world is when he leans out the window to clean off the grime. Forrester pays for all other necessities that are handled by outside service. Another difference is that Forrester is non-confrontational. He would rather handle a problem behind closed doors than confront the person face to face. For example, when Jamal's English professor thinks he used a title from another author's writing without permission he demands Jamal to write a letter of apology and read it in front of the class. Jamal refuses because he feels he did nothing wrong. Yet, Forrester tells him to just write the letter and get on with life. On the other hand, Jamal is a sixteen-year old African American male who went to a private school on a scholarship and lives with his mother and brother. Unlike Forrester, he enjoys going outside, interacting with his friends from school and going to basketball games. Another difference between the Jamal and Forrester is his confrontational attitude. When harassed by another student from school on the basketball court, he handled the problem in his own way, proving his ability to do as well as the next person, which gained the respect from the coach and the other students.Forrester and Jamal may have a lot of differences but they also have many things in common. Forrester's passion for reading is reflected by the number of books lining his walls and stacked on the floor of h...

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