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8220The Right to Live or Die8221

Euthanasia is unnatural and should be stopped immediately. The opposing side says that it is mercy killing, but it is still killing. There are three important points when discussing this issue: what is euthanasia, the decision, and the doctor who performs this awful task. Oregons Death With Dignity Act has opened the door to a private matter that had been handled privately between doctors and patients for years (Siegel). Euthanasia is withholding vital medicine or providing means for the patient to ease him or herself into death. Active euthanasia is when someone else injects lethal doses of drugs into the patient. Passive euthanasia is when someone provides the poison for the patient to kill him or herself. Death is a natural process, and it is a part of life. It is a time to come to terms with our selves, and our last chance to become our best selves. Besides, miracles happen every day, and this may be your big chance! The decision of euthanasia should not have to be made. No one has the right to say whether death should be inflicted on him or herself. That decision is left to someone of much higher power as it has been since the beginning of time. The patient may not be aware enough to make a sane decision. In this case, the decision would be left to the family. How would the family know whether the patient would want to live or die? No one has the right to judge that another persons life is not worth living, and no ones life should be taken because someone else thinks his or her quality of life is too low. There would be some cases in which family members would want the parents money instead of it being spent for hopeless medical treatment and request that the parent be put out of his or her misery. There have also been some cases in which the doctor performed the inhumane task without any form of consent (Katz). Doctors should also disagree with this practice. Almost 2500 years ago, this idea of good death was...

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