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Violence in Sports

With the increase in society taking a stance against violence, sports has become an area where some feel that the violent acts such as the hitting and fighting that occurs should be eliminated. It is very difficult to change the way that a game is played because people have been playing it that way for years. The violence in sports needs to be eliminated because of the extreme cases that continue to haunt many of the leagues and the players themselves. There are many theories to why there is so much violence in sports today and one of them is because the athletes today are able to get away with more when they are young. An example would be if a high profile high school athlete who had a scholarship to a big time school were to get in trouble maybe it would be hidden a lot more. Where as if another non-athlete had done the same thing there would be more of a price to pay. So from an early age these athletes learn that they are more important then other students or people. When they get to the college or pro level and someone tells them what to do they don’t know how to handle it in the correct manor. Many professional athletes have been looked upon as a problem before they become pro because of certain violence problems they have had in the past. And in many cases it has hurt player in where they are drafted and the money that they make.Others theories have to do with what each sport allows to occur. In a sport such as hockey, where people are expected to hit and check each other as hard as they can into the boards, sooner or later a fight will break out. Many people who follow hockey watch it just for the fights and when a fight occurs they cheer on their favorite player in the fight. Players like the attention so they continue to fight. In a sport like hockey, there are some players whose only role on the team is to protect and enforce the unwritten rules of the game, where a team goon is to protect and defend anyone who...

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