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Assisted Suicide

I feel that assisted suicide is a practice that should not only be legally acceptable, but socially acceptable as well. No one should be forced to live a life of pain and suffering. After all, aren't we all guaranteed the rights of life, liberty, and happiness? If happiness means freedom from pain and suffering, then assisted suicide should be legalized. A person willing to help sick people end their suffering should be praised rather than condemned.Some terminally ill patients are forced to face imaginable pain and suffering on a day-to-day basis. This intolerable pain causes these people to experience an unbearably poor quality of life. Yet, if you help these patients end their life, you will probably end up in jail. I feel that being forced to live in intolerable conditions is the real crime. People such as Dr. Kevorkian should not be punished for doing a good deed. He should in fact be praised for heeling the pain of a dying person. Having to live a life where every passing minute is dreaded is something that no person should have to experience. Money is a big issue to everyone whether they admit or not. Should a person and their family be forced to spend thousands of dollars a day on medical expenses just so the patient can continue living a life he doesn't even want to keep? This medical treatment, in some instances, can only extend a life by mere weeks. In theory, this treatment is just adding on more weeks of pain and suffering. Not only does the patient have to suffer, but the family members have to suffer watching their loved ones live in agony. Furthermore, these medical expenses are probably covered by government medical aid. If this money is being spent on someone who doesn't even want the help, wouldn't it make more sense to spend the money on people who desperately need it? This money could be better spent on saving people's lives that actually want to live. Cancer patients could be allotted more mone...

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