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hate crimes

One dark, muggy spring night in the heart of Texas, a black man was drug behind a pickup truck for five miles. He didn’t survive the attack against him by two white, high school dropouts. Police believe the only motive was the fact that the man was black. He was different from them and the accepted norm. A black man in what they perceived as a country belonging to white men. These two men took it upon themselves to invade this man’s personal space, going as far as killing him. It seems he did nothing to provoke them, and he was singled out only because he was black. Flash forward to a cold, windy night in a small college town. A hopeful young university student is lured from a bar by, yet again, two high school dropouts. The student was quite small, and really had no means of defending himself. He was taken out of town by pickup truck and brutally beaten. After his attackers were through torturing him, they tied him to a fencepost and left him for dead. Police say the motive for the attack was robbery, but it has also become apparent that he was targeted because he too was different from the accepted norm. His difference wasn’t quite as obvious as skin color, but most everyone on campus had heard about him. He happened to be gay and because of this he was singled-out and brutally murdered. These two incidents are not the only ones of their kind. In fact, brutal, hate-filled crimes happen every day all over America. The problem has become so large that there are several newsletters printed monthly aiming only to educate the public about the volume of these kinds of crimes. People are singled out every day for being different, and sometimes it leads to their demise. Now, what is wrong with a nation that is so filled with anger? People strike out at one another in many different ways, and there must be some reason. One correlation between the two crimes mentioned before is the fact that all four perpetrators were high s...

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