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There really is no way of getting around it. There is a great deal of racialtension in the United States today. Nine out of ten people in society today believe thatracism does exist and is something that affects millions of people everyday. There isnot much arguing that can done with a statistic like that. What is it that causes somany problems between each other? Is it that we are afraid of the unknown?Whatever the cause is, we have been trying to fix the problem for many years now.Since racism is learned and not genetic, it is something that needs to be taken care ofin school starting from the young children. In Brown v. Board of Education, the whole issue was that schools couldbe segregated only if they were equal. This was decided by the case of Plessy vFerguson. Schools in the South were not equal so Brown v. Board of Education wasfiled. Supreme Court Judge Earl Warren decide with the rest of the Supreme Courtthat segregated schools were in fact unlawful. Schools went through drastic changesbut some schools didnt like the idea. Schools in Prince Edward County had closeddue to the ruling and children in the county lost out on their education. This hadcaused some racism to occur in Prince Edward County.The most effective solution for solving the racial tension problem is tochange the curriculum, text books, and to keep up, if not increase, diversity training inthe work force today. First of all, there needs to be an agreement that a problem doesexist. It is after all evident through racist groups such as the Ku Klux Klan,Neo-Nazis, and Skinheads. These are hate groups that threaten and dislike people, notfor the content of their character, but the color of their skin or what country they arefrom. although these are extremes when it comes to racism, it is something thataffects so many people everyday in the United States. What is racism really? Racism is not knowing anything about someonewhen you look at them, but disliking t...

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