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Americans have been trying to legalize marijuana for years. It seems that all of their opinions divide into three basic groups. Many think that it is not worth legalizing marijuana, many seem to think it should be legalized, and a group of people say it should only be legalized for medicinal purposes.In the following paragraphs I will try to show you reason for all three opinions.My hopes of doing this research project were to specifically determine what effects marijuana in combination with different substances had on the body. I also decided to determine the differences between marijuana and tobacco, due to the high misconceptions about both of them in society today."First of all, I had begun to due research specifically on the subject "Is marijuana more dangerous than tobacco," but due to the lack of information, I had to broaden my topic. I now understand which one is more dangerous and, for the most part, the long term affects. Through both animal and human testings, it has been proven that marijuana impairs lung functions to a greater extent than tobacco cigarettes do. But, this does not necessarily mean that marijuana users are putting themselves at more risk persay. Actually, a typical marijuana user will smoke maybe two cigarettes a day, whereas a typical tobacco-user will smoke between forty and sixty cigarettes in the same period. Now, the effects of the two have changed roles. Marijuana may have more tar in it, but at the usage rate in society today, tobacco-users put themselves at a much larger risks. Also, there is a chemical called benzopyrene that is 70% more abundant in marijuana than tobacco. This chemical is believed to cause and produce cancer. Tobacco has the same dangerous chemicals in it, yet the main one that it lacks that marijuana has is THC. THC, more specifically known as delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, is the drug that produces the "high" feeling that so many marijuana users become accustomed to. Marijuana...

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