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internet censorship

Censoring the Internet would keep children and adults from obtaining Online there are all kinds of information on horrible things such as pornography, alcohol, drugs, guns, bombs, credit card fraud, etc. Censorship is needed. People say it takes away freedom from their lives but if there were not laws inhibiting freedom we would live in a world of chaos and anarchy. Why should we censor the Internet? Why not? Should we not censor the information superhighway so people can be perverts and terrorist. Think about all of the terrible people out there; an uncensored internet gives them an easier and more accessible way to harm and exploit innocent people.One example of horrible material on the Internet is all of the pornography. In adult stores you have to be eighteen years old in order to purchase pornographic viewing material. On the Internet there are actual sites that say if you are not eighteen don’t come in to this site and there is no way for anyone to check an ID. This enables a child to have full access to pornography with the click of a mouse. One example of this type of site is This site gives full non-restricted access to any one who clicks on it’s icon. Censorship would restrict such sites or at least require a credit card number or an ID of some sort showing that the user was eighteen years of age. An incident occurred last summer, “the Los Angeles Times reported that a computer at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory was being used to store and distribute hard-core pornography.” Over the internet. “Despite the lab’s elaborate security precautions, investigators found more than one thousand pornographic pictures. The computer was shut down and the FBI called in”(Exon, 436). If the internet was censored this incident would never have occurred. Pornography goes much farther than this. Pedophiles use pornography on the Internet to abduct and exploit children. “T...

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