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Title Word Count
Dewey and Hume 2430
Why should one be moral 1944
mills utitlitarianism 1326
david hume 1230
religious experience 423
Is the Universe like A Magic Trick 777
Philiosophy 690
Capital Punishment 1053
philosophy 3067
Pitfalls of Relativism 2273
eros 1071
confucionism 1087
Euthanasia 788
HI 102
Sophies World 1739
Sophies World1 1739
Sophies World2 1739
Willy 1002
It8217s Simply Red Herring 555
Living Forever 569
Antigone 733
allegory of cave NOT ESSAYLOTS OF INFO 5859
Ethics 1322
Immanuel Kant 1666
Nietzche 935
greek and hebrew belief in God 2375
selfishness 843
Hobbes Social Contract Theory 350
Proof Of The Exsistence of God 6280
Noble Lie 1356
None Provided 1177
Frued and Lamettrie 613
Blood Bonds Antigone and The Eumenides 1149
values 320
ate 1375
Is the Lie Just 1059
Descates 980
Greed 794
mind and machine 2414
Inquisitor 432
None Provided1 2251
The Good Man 1432
religion 1382
Morality in Humans 1389
None Provided2 1739
Bouwsmas Intent in Descartes Evil Genius 1136
Epistemology Plato vs Aristotle 2223
Plato 1240
Satanism 935
Platos REpublic 17811
None Provided3 1254
Sex education in high school 375
The Rationalism of Descartes and Leibniz 2132
Excuses 791
utility 925
oedipus 1069
Machiavellis View of Human Nature 1076
None Provided4 1163
John Locke 981
platos veiw on lying 1505
None Provided5 515
The Problem with Verification 1184
Platos Theory of Knowledge 1193
Walden two 1955
Buddhism on our Predicament and its Solution 1806
freud dreamwork 3672
Nichomachean ethics 857
Galileo 675
stoicism 1791
Human Suffering 1038
Individualism and Fascicm 1407
Utilitarianism The Survival Lottery 908
Hate Crimes 2030
Logically proving God 304
The Anxiety Caused When A Mistake Is Realized 1316
Galileo1 531
Evolution 4328
Platos Republic Justified 1472
Greedy 794
Socrates A Closer Look at the Greatest Thinker 1926
workfare 1589
galileo 530
a philosopher of nature 1456
Transmigration of the Soul Platos Theory of Human Knowledge 837
None Provided6 672
Case for Cristianity 777
Pornography Viewed by The Four Ethical Standards 632
Descartes Mind and Body 2260
Satan and The Problem of Evil 1993
Human Nature 339
Plato1 1370
none 1038
Rhetoric As we know it 1023
God A Made Up Entity 1258
personal identity 1391
Existence of God 1104
Gods existence 288
hot lez sex 312
DescartesOrigin of knowledge 1898
Computers That Mimic the Human Mind 1518
Sigmund Freud 291
nothing is certain 868
The Decommisioning of Androids 1263
Aristotles Approach to EthicsPlatos Divided Line 775
computational mind 2686
does god exist 950
The Mystery of Human Origin 678
Marcus Aurelius 2598
Pragmatism A truly American Philosophy 885
why is the cooker hot 521
Similarities between Dantes God and Satan 959
Happiness An Illusion 758
humes benevolence 886
Online Term Papers 453
Intelligent Design 1196
plato 1780
None Provided7 985
To conform or not Socrates a struggle 898
Book Report on Apology 989
is there a god 2707
Socrates and His Escape 2351
Devotion and Commitment 660
Reflection on Life 1255
plato vs descartes 1503
Greek Society vs Socrates 1230
the light of sight 463
Faith and Reason 1324
none1 690
Essence of humanity 679
does goe exist 1125
socrates 2351
Platos Euthyphro 585
make 1629
The republic 264
Phaedo 566
A kierkegaardian structure to mans impetus 1682
descartes 549
problem of evil 8727
Nietzche The Man 936
After awhile 141
FreudFuture of an Illusion 1238
Background and Methodology 585
Autonomy vs Paternalism 1026
Aristotles Nichomachean Ethics 1219
Are we ever morally justified in disobeying laws we consider to be immoral 863
plato1 2312
If These walls Could Talk 684
Platos Republic 689
Love Marriage Responsiblity 2043
Life or Death Who Has the Right to make the choice 1169
Thomas Kuhn and Textbooks 426
None Provided8 788
The Human Philosophy 828
aristotle vs Plato on metaphysics 1402
Epistemology 942
st paul 263
Hume vs Kant 1741
Hume vs Kant1 1741
Doudt 4776
Suffering God 692
Logical Positism and the Vienna Circle 1429
Frank Jackson and Physicalism 641
the republic 4635
Natural Equality and civil society 1721
Descartes First Meditation 1285
moral accountability 1588
Sartres concept of Anguish and Forlornness 1170
Sartre 1072
Li Po Tu Fu 1064
socrates1 201
Who Is Politically Correct 942
None Provided9 246
Only the Mind Percives 880
The Seizure of Trumps Jet 1938
Animal Rights 1533
Boethiuss Consolation of Philosophy 999
Gangs and Police 550
Loyalty 641
plato vs shelley 557
The Successful Hero on a Path to Failure 1855
Platos Idea of an Inefficient Democracy 1327
Trifles 782
Descartes 1931
Machiavelli and Plato 1559
Les Miserables 684
Socraric Method 380
John Stuart Mill Utilitarianism 1324
socrates2 597
legal paternalism 1660
Hume on Miracles 954
Plato2 670
Private School Vouchers 2460
Hume 4383
Discourse on Metaphysics Leibniz 2405
Kant 1740
Brave New World 1613
brave new worldwere they really happy 1616
Marx 1801
Emerson 541
Philo Judaeus Philospher Poet or Preacher 901
Sigmund Freud1 1968
Hobbes 1609
Phaedo1 575
Aristotlebravery 1216
Platos Symposium 2186
Descartes Meditations 1605
Morality is Relative 809
Kantian Philosophy of Morality 1532
philosoph 1417
An Alternative Means to Intelligence 1319
Epistemology1 1719
What Is Wrong With Descartes Philosophy 3565
A Socratic Worldview 1565
Humes Affirmation 754
reincarnation 911
The Move from Doubt to Certainty A Look 2307
Is ethical theory applicable to practice 1314
innate ideas 867
Sexual harassment 333
General Will and Rousseaus Social Contract 1766
Caoital Punishment 1021
Descartes and Locke 2167
FDR in person 5177
knowledge 297
Allegory of the Cave 1260
Machiavellis Idea of Government 1520
Cultural Relativism Is truth defined by our culture or our culture by truth 1606
creationism 527
DescartesOn the Existence of a God 401
Descartes Hobbes and Pascal 1402
Opinion 533
Descartes Meditation One 899
Epistemology2 1196
Taoism 282
None Provided10 978
iraq 403
The Apology 882
aristotle 553
plato2 3612
A view of modern societ 788
Aristotles views 547
asdfs 1555
Aquaintance Rape 977
Socrates 323
Why God Cannot Exist Using Descartes Arguements 1350
meaning of life 869
venus and men 1855
Ulysies S Grant 1485
Plato versus Aristotle 1896
St Anselm8217s ontological argument for the experience of God 337
Political Philosophers 593
Knowing Minds of Others 1094
why one should be moral 878
Same Sex Harassment 1519
Plato3 1583
Rosa Luxemburg 2141
Descartes General Discussion 733
Utilitarianism 1319
Karl Marx 1570
philosophymodern 403
Lora 570
My Philosophy of Balance 3052
What is Best 1218
Arthur Schopenhaur 490
None Provided11 4941
La Croix on Descartes 826
My child 1062
Hume on Suicide 922
Plato4 1122
Candide 1061
symposum 282
Conscuoiuseness 859
Voltaires Candide 1120
Cults 1391
Stupidity 931
Platos Doctrine of Recollection 511
Affirmative Action 1409
god 1106
life 1717
justice 279
My Brain 366
Rousseaus Discourse on the Arts and Sciences 1915
nietzsche and platonism 929
Net 115
Life 795
Who is confucius 1565
Existentialism 2327
The Prince 589
Euthanasiamercy or murder 1612
What is good 1208
sgsgsd 368
Imigration to Canada 1369
Justice 5470
fr 109
Kant1 1254
Virtue 1136
Socrates1 1427
Creation vs Evolution 1390
Cosmological Argument 1150
Confucianism 1172
The Nature Of Socratic Philosophy 669
The Phaedo 630
Teleological Argument for the existence of God 2581
good life 1333
Philosophy of Science 3488
Tech Writer 5400
Socrates2 1276
Thrasymuchus and Socrates 499
to think plato or not 169
Forming a Correct Conscience 757
Socrates Trial 1202
philosophy of life 646
existentialism 503
Divinity of Jesus 3555
i 543
Critique on Whether God Exists 1174
gende roles of male and females 470
art 1498
Socrates3 1305
life1 1286
Jurgen Habermas 122
The Republic Book I 506
None Provided12 2881
GWF Hegel 1151
Blade Runner 670
descartes1 974
None Provided13 1007
Taoism1 492
Black Like Me 1516
Individuality and Inner Struggle 960
Critical Thinking 1273
Socrates 1497
Euthanasia1 1451
Freud Superego 885
Descartes Wax Passage 1470
The ThreeStage Failure of SenseCertainty 1421
The Republic Does Justice Pay 698
Meditation 400
lady 786
NIgga 1848
Freud and Happiness 1113
Speechmaking V Oration 1817
Socrates Apology 385
Morality theory 804
Encarceration 1243
Equality in America 1136
siddhartha 843
Justified True Belief 989
St Thomas Aquinas 5022
The Dead 1639
Just War Theory 3734
None Provided14 483
evolution 1789
my philosoph 1673
None Provided15 922
Review of the Meditations 655
Review of the Meditations1 655
Barth 596
Critique on Thomas Nagels What is it like to be a bat 1818
Sanctity of Life 471
Why Do Women Choose Mr Wrong over Mr Right 725
how to eat dogs 197
existence of god 821
Someone elses paper 657
Aristotle vs Plato 1267
None Provided16 1657
Euthanasia2 307
Morals 995
None Provided17 2467
right or wrong 995
Moral Position 1418
Decartes meditations 357
Active euthanaisa 1714
descartes second meditation 310
Socrates and Accusers 1087
Utilitarianism1 665
farmers 109
The Self 1235
Gore bush 1178
hell 545
Realism 566
spiritual laws of sucess 3106
Passion and Moral Judgement 1387
socrated 848
The republic of Plato 788
Universals v Tropes 1569
what makes a man just 1217
The Genders 2520
vitrue ethics 1615
Blatchford vs Lamont 556
tower of babel vs nimrod effect 2464
socrates dialogue about our soul 3159
Pythagoras 447
Dreams 1279
Truth 573
Truth and Nature 1463
Moral Goodness Through Ethical Principles 1518
Daniel Dennets True Believers 659
The Origin of Ideas 1084
None Provided18 529
philosophy1 582
Socrates4 1197
Tired Hungry and wanting to go home 1118
paul 644
Friedrich Nietzsche 978
Nietzsche and the devil 978
lifeboat ethics 833
Mind And Body 1082
Role of Faith 471
epistemology 955
Mills Utilitarianism 1326
None Provided19 1068
Does God Exist 1407
what is the meaning 582
socrates vs plato 649
Acmeism The Reality of Poetry 1956
The Ethics of War 1145
Taoism in the modern world 1853
Kohlbergs Theory of Moral Development 424
Analyzing the Trade Dispute of Hormonetreated Beef 921
transcendentalism 796
mills 443
hume 1756
Descarte and new science 1672
Elementary Phys Ed 1035
The Purpose Of Writing 435
Racial Profiling 1605
Ethics Of Genetic Enginerring 1224
Of Suicide Analysis 1209
h 109
holocaust 804
uncle toms cabin 945
Karl Marx on Estranged Labor 1458
Platos Forms 1998
Mistaken PreSupposition The Incompleteness of Platos Euthyphro 1037
recreational use of drugs 204
Website Review 3611
the eight moral philosophies 1371
The MindBrain Problem Concerning Dualism and Materialism 834
Website review 1806
Republic Book 1 2197
This is Bullshit 3053
is there a god1 599
philosophy2 1063
MattelAuditors Liablity 1155
The only truth exisitng 1060
Utilitarianism2 1041
Ethics1 1337
mills1 1267
Dialogue of Plato and Meno 319
None Provided20 1406
Ethics and Reproductive Technology 1111
Aristotles politics 1060
Plato and Socrates a question of thought 2098
Truth1 1965
Locke and the Rights of Children 1741
Why I shouldnt Cheat 434
traffic 295
Rousseau 773
Platos The Phaedo 1038
None Provided21 614
Republic by Plato War in Relation to Justice Injustice and the Just City 1499
Augustine 1167
aristotle1 529
Explication of the Cogito 893
frankenstien 1139
Tree Thought 580
macarthy era and salem witch trials 337
Platos Symposium1 562
Greek Philosophy 800
religion1 389
the existence of god 598
SocratesInnocent or Guilty 1786
The Prince 1130
Zen 932
None Provided22 2131
Enlightenment and Romanticism 509
enemy of the people 452
The Napster Dilema 1812
Preparing for the ultimate trial 2762
Protecting the New Born 1039
Hobbes and Absolute Sovereignty 2755
The Relationship of Allegory of the Cave as compared to learning and education 742
Crito 794
a taste of honey 1712
Interpretations of the Origins of WWII 4798
drug 1600
Plato vs Aristotle 441
nice shit 1189
Does God Exist Aquinas 1382
Hierarchy of Pleasure 705
socrates3 391
Affects of Gambling 1223
Nyaya Versus Materialist 925
How has War effected the role of women in society 1134
Socrates5 794
socrates4 887
Hobbes a Social Covenant Theorist 1291
Machiavelli 1164
Parmenides 681
confucious 4055
Socrates8217s argument with Crito 737
truth 771
Gods omnipotence 2203
The Role of Dialouge 550
stuff 1344
Platos Ideal World 596
Koran and Women 1837
None Provided23 1627
lab report 1572
socrates and the self defense clause 928
More trouble 770
Salvia Divinorum 1505
Abortion2 490
lacan 3304
Egalitariamism is false 767
the justice of democracy 1068
The Person and the Mind 1587
Existentialism and Theatre 546
yes 169
Mills Utilitarianism1 1335
JOhn Perry 2125
Deffenses for Democracy 1346
metaethics 874
Do we have to learn to think scientifically in order to find the truth 1113
The Path to Divine Wisdom 1651
Life death penalty 970
Leibniz 2195
epicurus 1097
Socrates6 857
The Republic of Plato 1208
hume1 4387
Locke Mill and Rousseau 1992
Property 747
The Book of Philosophy 541
kant 687
capital punishment 2030
Lowes perpective on education 612
socrates5 162
To Have or to Be 1256
Africa 1015
What is wisdom 411
A Universal Perspective on Belief 1946
International Business morality 1407
The MindBody Problem Dualism Versus Dual Aspect Theory 1191
existentialism1 1006
Sort History 2645
Theology Response 561
Machiavellirestoring ancient roman civic virtue 283
Kant actions done in accordance with duty 1197
fidelity in movies 1294
Civil Disobediance 1147
morality and god 1854
philosophy of spiritual gifts 1603
locke vshobbes 696
montaigne 720
Laozi 464
freewill 364
TrueFaith 510
being an american 529
Mere Christianity 1089
Hume Conflict between causal reasoning and existence of external objects 1190
Hobbes and Machiavelli 1534
justice of democracy 1068
MindBrain Identity Theory 670
descartes3 1067
Immanuel Kant Enlightenment 1105
The Prince1 720
Marvell and coyness 513
The duality of Existence and Essence through St Augustine and St Thomas 915
Enlightenment 555
Locke is loopy 7631
Can Plato adequately respond to Thrasymachuss Immoralist view of justice 1875
What was Plato8217s worldview and how do humans exist within it 878
American Philosophy 663
PLatojustice or injustice 447
SocratesPlato in EuthyphroRepublic 1742
Nietzsche Plato 2047
political spectrum 1186
Can Feelings Play A Role In Moral Reasoning 1017
HMM 3370
Freewill 1402
Humanitarian Intervention 1785
Individualism and Democracy 4293
Democracy Individualism 4385
abortion 1429
John locke 9473
Antigone Ismene 668
Descartes Meditations1 2321
Declaration of Ind vs Early Philosophers 853
me 109
philosophy of language 1920
Blackmail 1692
Utilitarianism VS Cultural Ethical Relativism 953
John locke theory of property 1938
the nature of truth 1038
self identity 1458
teaching thinking 1078
Life and How to Live It 4047
Does the mass media cause undesireable social 2618
The nature of truth part 1 2502
truth is it for real 1496
None Provided24 1739
Free will 1154
self 1032
Islamic Public Administration A Brief Introduction 527
Future of Public Administration 1974
Descartes first meditation 1797
Ideas Have Consequences 370
Plato and The Republic 2026
Freedom 2436
None Provided25 1019
Judaism and Christianity Compare and Contrast 1764
Importance of self 1032
The Republiic 2026
platos works 2484
Locke 2479
Kant the problem of modern philosophy 850
Descartes God 1393
The Specifics of that which is General A discussion of Rousseaus General Will 6289
Jean Paul Sartre on the Anti Semite 1704
Feminist Theory 886
Abortion and Mary Anne Warren 1237
yin yang school 2457
Abortion3 1237
voltaire 390
The Red Badge 444
mary jane 3186
comparison of Descartes and Heidegger 836
Explain the views of Locke 991
Lao Tzu8217s response 153
Lao Tzu8217s response1 153
Progressivism 1909
A Modern version of The Cave 1244
dostoevsky 975
Kants Refutations of the proofs of the Existence of God 986
Human Nature1 1426
Utopia Is It Possible 808
A Republic is a Better Form of Government than a Democracy 369
Chinese Room 735
The Examination between the Human Being 1033
None Provided26 2361
what is happiness 307
Decartes Method 566
PLato 1379
Richard Swinburnes Teleological Argument 956
something 1654
nonsense 603
hume2 855
Ideals of Love in Platos Symposium 2014
The Republic 1821
None Provided27 872
Descartes Theory of Substance Dualism 1011
hedonism 396
Pythagoras1 654
blah 794
Important conclusions in centessimus annus 611
Aristotles Political Ideal 2363
Where is the meaning of human existence located According to Sartre 851
Time 1382
Plato and Aristotle 690
Man8217s Identity According to Nietszche 1338
None Provided28 953
For God So Loved the World 1297
Pizza 4408
The Ethics of Human Cloning 1208
Philosophy of health 1192
None Provided29 159
Kants Enlightenment and the Evolutionary Model of Progress 1075
Marcus Aurelius and Stoic Philosophy 1615
reality 940
Music Appreciation Mariachi 677
Self Evaluation 1167
sdfa 943
the parmenidian problem 2135
Animal Testingright or wrong 926
Kants Many Formulations of the Categorial Imperative 3221
What is the significance of Human mortality according to Heidegger 4387
What is Justice 2052
Ethics And Morality 1954
Descartes vs Hume 1503
Kant Restrictions on Knowledge 349
metaphysics by Kant and Hume 1384
rev 444
Gorgias 815
an authors last message 2744
betham 2311
Community 1048
Socrates7 1093
Define it for me 1304
the outline and discussion of Kants conception of genius 2400
muhammed the just profit 3179
love in moldova 249
virtues 646
ijijijij 1132
Value of Philosophy 928
Synthetic APriori Proposition 1100
what is a person 1330
Early Chrisitanity 433
buddhism 580
thg her 2060
history in marx and freud 898
Censorship 781
Ancient Greek Theatre 863
Response to Judith Jarvis Thomsons A Defense for Abortion 6589
Schopenhauer 580
love 1733
Servqual 212
Mystery Cults 3082
Ideas of Descartes Plato and Hume 1202
Philosophical Views are Still Relevant Today 1965
Capital Punishment1 1290
Shopenhauer 581
Plato5 1807
Human Understanding 819
Platos view on life 1287
Ignorance is not an excuse 1396
Confessions 1593
does god exist1 2042
Platos criticism of Democracy 1171
Summary of Kants Life 1387
Augustine1 1772
Farnkena8217s principles 162
Marx and his theory of alienation 848
Kant2 1621
Keeping the rabble in Line 7128
Kierkegaard and Wittgenstein 2632
A Contemplative Essay What is Reality 688
Ethical Systems 1127
A Perfect God 432
Why does Descartes consider himself distinct from his body Is his view plausible 1556
Voltaire on God 391
should drug use be decriminalized 1006
Heidegger Nazism 3672
frederich nietzsche and his philosophies 1826
Nietzsche and Wagner 4985
kant1 1621
Why Should We Love the Non Lover 959
Sontagian Interpretation of Graduation 1047
8220Creating an Environmental Ethic8221 1934
Capital Punishment2 1188
is the mind distinct from the body 632
volaire 219
Violence 1465
The Value of Philosophy 1082
Platos Allegory Of The Cave 1294
Life at Its SimplestEmerson Thoreau as applied to modern living 2120
frederich nietzche and his philosophies 1826
Jewish Philosophy and Social Work 2415
locke and equality 515
Utilitarianism v Kantianism 1291
Abraham Moslow 1981
Philo 800
Parmemides and Heraclitus on change 735
animal 379
Egoism Thomas Hobbes 1679
physician assisted suicide 2033
plato3 1291
The enlightenment 219
pablo picasso 329
negative and positive rights 656
PoopSex 3910
Lady Philosophy Evil is Nothing 546
Aristotle8217s Nicomachean Ethics 448
Nietzsche 1753
Ethics in America 1172
Hume1 2062
Dialogue of Death 1781
An Existentialist Meaning of Life 3559
what is natural 877
kant2 5046
fdadf 160
The Apology and Crito 503
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man 1174
Bookem Plato Platonic Forms 538
Prsostitution 2353
Seeing the Light 939
The Test 2019
8220The question of Being8221 what it is why it matters 1315
reading in logical analysis 3731
MacIntyre and Determinism 759
The Notion of the good in thr ethical views of Plato and Aristotle 1559
My complaint about Plato the Athenian 569
My complaint about Plato the Athenian1 439
Pythagorus 613
The Meaning of Life 484
Kant and disinterestedness 183
hedonism1 1182
Logotherapy 417
an alternate philosophy 744
war and its costs 1614
Metaphysics 2370
insomnia 379
medical treatment 365
part in India 7606
locke berkely hume 1373
morality god 420
plato4 725
health 148
ethics on abortion 1982
Observation 626
Egoism 1976
Witchcraft 1831
Romeo Juliet Who is to Blame 522
fdsgs 290
Genetic Technologys Impact on Human Freedom 496
To what extent does it make sense to talk about life after death 3081
The Facts of Life 394
the ultimate philosophy 755
Religion Philosophy and Scientific Thinking 1144
Humanism 623
Child Idenity through Adolescents 323
The Need for Honesty 562
Human violence 674
Menos Paradox 692
Family Breakdown 1339
Eastern Philosophy 1819
Kierkegaard 663
Socrates Lying Arguments 1081
famine affluence and morality 1804
socrates6 848
Platos Republic1 1124
MR 3016
Social Virtues 1654
wwjd 1365
Hume8217s Views on Kant8217s Concept of God 739
theory of opposition 631
Doubting Thomas 673
plato symposium 1536
Decreasing self injuring behavior 2750
Morality 739
Aristotle on rhetoric 2418
holographic universe 2400
Text Analysis of Text 1 PLATP ION 909
frued 268
dws 465
Remarriage 1921
dvfDS 185
Lifeboat ethics 875
enlightenment 705
nietzschegod 2457
Charles Andre Marie Joseph de Gaulle 1212
Heroic code Barbaric or survival behavior 1273
Euthyphro 578
Physics by Aristotle 753
Jeremy bentham 1764
Emotion A Comparison Between William James8217 and JeanPaul Sartre8217s Points of View 808
the mind body problem 131
capital 1104
existance of god 2346
the 125
abortion2 1426
Hume vs Kant2 1268
pee 298
The Allegory of the Cave 1977
apology 1397
Mills Utilitarianism2 622
plato5 1378
Racism 2667
Nietzche Marx and Kierkegaard 525
free will 795
platos allegory of caves 396
health for kids 2639
science vs religion 2026
mill 1323
aristotlepleasure 5286
Legalization of Marijuana 2179
The Self1 1485
James Madisons concepts on Federalist Paper No 10 1222
Where is Sarah 894
humans 302
What Justice 796
existence of god1 1714
Leibniz and Spinoza as Applied to Baseball 1562
Emilys Rose 923
Physicalism 827
exam 774
Love and Lust 976
War In Afghanistan 748
just war 943
Shallow America 525
The Republic Book I 1929
plato and forms 1257
On Aristotle 175
hedonism2 1081
Philosophy 109
abortion and chrisiananity 892
The Nichomachean Conception of Happiness 1668
Islam 1119
What is Hope 205
Analysis of Platos Allegory of the Cave 994
Time1 3947
Ethical discussions 946
The trial of Socrates 1055
ARt and the Bible 2158
end of the world 490
Euthanasia3 1599
Socrates8 1457
Plato and Aristotle on Politics 1746
Act Utilitarianism 760
We Live Man vs Nature 645
utilitarianism 1195
Utilitarianism3 1625
Ms 1006
Skepticism 653
plato6 168
Nature 491
philosophy in public 296
What Is Morality 684
Perceptions of Success 173
my work 285
Business Ethics 940
Hegels Philosophy in Brief 422
Hegel2 422
moral reasoning 375
the five sets 625
readings 168
Allegory of the Cave 852
existentialism2 309
Transcendentalist 143
GAry 1880
Apology and the Crito comparison 856
Meaning to Life 2005
Is History a science 1188
Death by Invitation 1043
kant3 1567
capital punishment1 1392
The Three Philosophs 984
aristotle a comprehensive view on nature and society 1195
Transcendentalism 1297
Plato8217s Happiest Way of Life A Summary of Arguments and Viewpoint 1002
the star 521
The Death of God In Modern Society 2006
David Hume 840
Self deception 592
Plato Vs Machiavelli 2284
Certainty is Decartes Discourse of Method 975
Mind and Body dualism 1005
Decartes and God 1156
Rene Descartes 1116
How do we know what god means 3922
Rethinking Cogito 1539
Styles and Influences 823
Test 202
Platonic Justice 924
Science in the shmaga 648
Reality 1379
Socrates9 572
money in society today 605
Plato6 1322
The Happy Life 1822
Religion 331
Thomas Aquinas 1358
Epicurean Philosophy and its Effects on the World 1409
Anselms Existence of God Refuted 1552
Aristotle on Friendship 1484
Entity Realism 2672
Soft Determinism and Oedipus 675
niechzse 168
Decartes 1261
three philosophers 867
Western Philosphy 2391
beliefs 1352
Nicomachean Ethics 416
The Individuals right to suicide 1266
Importance of Philosophy 743
reeeeeeeeeeeeeee 963
Information and Knowledge 1663
final 173
dualism notes 479
Leaving 626
Descartes Meditation Three 1435
four noble truths 347
sss 526
Plato7 651
Memes Metaphysics Form 1514
THe Right to die 2150
Parminides 1291
Locke and hobbes 1004
Rene Descartes 542
rack 1409
Argument from design 1107
Versions of Truth 494
Society Must Be Governed By Rules 1641
Kants Theory 761
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