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Aristophanes' Theory of Love in the Aristophanes' Theory of love: from Plato's Symposium The love as discussed by thecharacters in the Symposium is homosexual love. Some assumed that homosexuality aloneis capable of satisfying a mans highest and noblest aspirations. Whereas heterosexuallove is placed at an inferior level, being described as only existing for carnal reasons; itsultimate purpose being procreation. There are differing views in these dialogues,Aristophanes contradicts his peers by treating heterosexuality at the same level ashomosexuality, arguing that both are predestined. Aristophanes considered himself as thecomic poet and he began his discourse as such. Yet as the speech continued, he professedto open another vein of discourse; he had a mind to praise Love in another way, unlikethat of either Pausanias or Eryximachus. Mankind, he said, judging by their neglect ofhim, have never at all understood the power of Love. He argued that if they hadunderstood him they would have built noble temples and altars, and offered solemnsacrifices in his honor. He sought to describe his power and wanted to teach the rest of theworld what he was teaching at that moment. Aristophanes spoke first of the nature of manand what had become of it. He said that human nature had changed: The sexes wereoriginally three in number; there was man, woman, and the union of the two. At one timethere was a distinct kind, with a bodily shape and a name of its own, constituted by theunion of the male and the female: but now only the word 'androgynous' remains, and thatas a term of reproach. Aristophanes proceeded by telling an anecdote about the terriblemight and strength of mankind and how the thoughts of their hearts were so great thatthey made an attack upon the gods, leaving the celestial councils to decide whether ornot to kill them. Zeus found a solution, and decided to cut them in two so as to dividetheir strength. As he cut them one after another,...

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