Title 1: Preparing for the ultimate "trial" "On their arrival the souls had to go straight before Lachesis. And an interpreter.took from the lap of Lachesis a number of lots and patterns of life andproclaimed: "This is the word of Lachesis maiden daughter of Necessity. Souls of a day, here you must begin another round of mortal life whose end is death"Then (he) set before them.different patterns of life , far more in number than the souls who were to choose them"Plato, The Republic, Part 11/Book 10In order to write this essay, I first had to understand Plato's stand point on life and death, body and soul. What was his idea of a healthy way of leading your life? The very essence of Platonic thinking comes down to Plato's definition of philosophy, which he simply puts as the vision of truth. This truth is revealed to a focused mind in a moment of ecstasy, as if a mist is suddenly removed. He strived to appreciate beauty for more than just it's face value. What he means by this is that philosophy is about the distinction between reality and appearance, between knowledge and opinion, between mortality and immortality.This distinction is what I want to explore in this essay as that is what would prepare me for the ultimate Krisis, the final judgement (using the word 'final' in the loosest of terms). According to Plato, the philosopher is the highest of the "patterns of life", so to achieve this opitome, one would have to live the life of a philosopher, and this is what I want to write about in my essay. "Till Philosophers become kings in this world, or until those we now call Kings and rulers really and truly become philosophers and political power and philosophy came into the same hands there is no other road to real happiness either for society, or the individual." I want to explore Plato's views and theories so as to understand better the life he, Socrates, and their followers lead. Basically I will be looking at Plato's views on lov...