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Dylan Beazley teacher: T. Parrish mid-term03/05/01Justice is harder to maintain than injustice, which is what good men must strive for, regardless of whether they could be unjust and still be rewarded. Justice is a form of goodness. Justice is a virtue, a human excellence. If a man thinks that he would be able to steel a loaf of bread and get a way with it, he might, but he would not be just. “The soul of an individual consists of three basic element or faculties: reason, sprit (passion), and appetite (desire)” (14). If the three basic faculties are well balanced then it means you have to have wisdom for the element of reason, you have temperance for desire, and you have courage for passion. “ The harmony of the three faculties constitutes justice, which is the overarching virtue” (14). What is good or right depends on the individual. It is like two men going fishing for dinner. You could take two guys to the same lake with just two poles and some bait. The first guy goes to a cove and start fishing here. The other guy just cast his reel from were he stand. He look over at the other guy and ask “Why are you fishing way over there” the guy fishing in the cove replies “because this is were the fish are biting so it has got to be good fishing”. He believes it is good for him even though he can’t actually see the fish. His knowledge or wisdom of the lake has given him some in site to where the fish are going to be. So what is good or right for an individual depends on his knowledge of what is good.Injustice is not better for people than justices. Injustice gone undetected will only fester and cause a bigger problem. Like in the story the ring of gyges if a person can go undetected then he would he would act unjust and his reason would tell him that it was all right because he would never get caught. If the injustice is caught ether by man or a higher power then the soul can ...

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