While I was sitting here thinking about this paper, many thoughts went through my mind or many excuses not to do this paper. Thoughts like, I’m tiered I just want to go to sleep, I’ll just not go to class tomorrow and thoughts like trying to lie my way out of it, knowing that I shouldn’t even be thinking that way. This example of the way I was thinking is not a substantial A excuse is the concept that under certain circumstances,people can be excused from certain actions. Do I agree with it?Yes I do. I believe there is a lot of unforeseen circumstances inthis world.In today’s day and time we make up a lot of excuses. Mesitting here making up reasons not to do this paper, probablygoes through a lot of students heads everyday. I also feel thatsomething that is controlled, like setting down time to study fora test or to read a chapter of homework to get ahead, then notdoing it because you don’t feel like it, does not make up asubstantial excuse. There are four different reasons why we excuse some actionsin everyday life. Excusable ignorance of consequences,Constraints, uncontrollable circumstances, and lack ofalternatives.Excusable ignorance of consequences is all about unfavorableconsequences or that the person couldn’t reasonably have knownhow to prevent the consequences. For example, today when you buyprescription drugs there are labels on the bottle telling youwhat not to do while you are taking these drugs. For example thegreat, don’t operate heavy machinery or to the odds ones,prolonged exposure to sunlight might cause drowsiness. Back 20-30 years ago doctors probably didn’t know what side effects drugshad on you so therefore they shouldn’t be held responsible.Not knowing how to prevent bad consequences we foresee mayalso excuse a person from a certain action. For example, if yourstanding on line at a movie theater and the person next to yougoes into cardiac arrest and you don...