I am going to discuss Descartes Meditation One: Concerning those things that can be called into doubt. I will analyze and explain what Descartes was tryingto do, and explain why (In my personal opinion) that this is nothing but a fewwordy paragraphs that have no real value or point to them.In Descartes first meditation he discusses that he has come to theconclusion that many of his beliefs and opinions he had as a child are doubtful. Descartes decides that in order to find out the truths he must disprove his currentknowledge. Descartes goes about this by trying to disprove the principles thatsupport everything he believes in, using his Method of Doubt. Descartes Methodof doubt is his way of doubting everything that has even the slightest possibility ofnot being fact. Descartes does not necessarily doubt everything that he brings up.Descartes does believe that whatever can not be doubted for the slightest reasonmust be true. For that reason is why I think that his argument is weak, and I willexplain later why I think that this is the case.Descartes spends meditation one trying to disprove his fundamental beliefs. First Descartes doubts that he can trust his senses because they are occasionallywrong. An example of this are a longed haired man may look like a woman fromfar away. Descartes then states that there are no definitive signs for him to tellweather he is awake or asleep. Since he cannot trust his senses he concludes thatthere is no way to determine whether he is awake or asleep. But he admits thatthere are certain truths that are consistent weather he is awake or asleep. Forinstance two plus three equals five, and that a square has four sides in his sleep,and while conscious. To disprove these beliefs Descartes abandons the idea of asupremely good God like he has believed in all his life and brings up the argumentthat God is an all powerful, all clever evil genius whos entire purpose is todeceive Descartes.With these...