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This selection explains the coming of the human being. The first upright, large brained specie was found in Africa two million years ago. Over the next million years the creature was spread throughout the East. All the creatures followed along an evolutionary chain, and then what we call humans today were fully developed from an anatomical point of view.History is a combination of past human activities from all places. Political, social, and economical developments all shape their lives. History is an inquiry about the causes and affects of events in human organization. Better methods and tools have been developed to better practice their expertise. To further their knowledge they now use the help of computer scientists. They also use the study of economics to help determine the cost of living. They use a demographer to determine marriage patterns, wars and plagues. They use archeologists to study cave dwellers and social psychologists and anthropologists to study ancient pottery and city landscapes. For those cultured who had no forms of writing they look for such things as folk songs, folk tales, and funerary monuments. Historians cannot create evidence. Many past historical events are not retrievable because no evidence is left behind to be accounted for, and others are known but incorrectly. Some questions about the past cannot be answered because our own motives are not understood, which means we cannot understand the motives of the past. Nostalgia leads to deformation and is useless. Instead many historians look to understand how people of an era solved their problems and lived their lives based on their surroundings.Due to important fossil discoveries made in East Africa, the study of human paleontology has been revolutionized. Before they were discovered scientists believed that the earliest human remains were found in Africa, now they place the earliest ancestors in Ethiopia. The Leakys made a bunch of important African fossi...

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