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Ethics And Morality

Is it immoral for a person to write lies on his/her resume? This question poses many questions in it’s self. How fictitious is the lie, what are you lying about, what could be the consequences of this lie and whom and how will this lie affect the people involved? How would John Stuart Mill answer this question? Mill’s general position seem to be that one should do what will produce the most happiness, pleasure and with the absence of pain. With this in mind for one to falsify their resume will produce the greater happiness to that person, and family. If this means to exaggerate the truth a little so be it. I feel Mill’s view would be to exaggerate, but not to over exaggerate so that when you do get the job you will not be able to perform the tasks you were hired to do. Consequently causing pain and harm to the company and to your self and family by ruining you reputation. This would not follow with Mill’s Principal of Utility. Mill also believed that although your intentions are immoral that is not the underlying point, according to Mill it is the consequences of ones actions that make an action immoral. According to Mill it is consequences of our actions contribute greatly to the moral vale of the action at hand. And since the consequences are not bad if you receive the job and can perform the tasks you were hired to do. It follows that the action will not be immoral due to the consequences. Witch is the complete opposite of Kant’s moral Philosophy.This all follows from Mill’s General Principal that it is not the intentions being good or bad but the ability to produce good consequences from that action. And Mill’s Principal of Utility. Referring to Mill’s Greatest Happiness Principal/ Principal of Utility, “Actions are right in proportion as they tend to produce the greatest balance of pleasure over pain for the largest number of people, wrong as they tend to produce the reverse o...

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