There are differences between the definitions of success between men According to Psychology and you, men see the world as ahierarchy, while women see the world relationship oriented. A prime exampleof a man's success is to become the head of his company, while a woman'sprime example of success would be to maintain a stable home environment. The author notes that there are women who are accomplishment oriented andthere are men who are relationship oriented but that is not the norm. Incountries like Iran, a woman's success would be to survive a day without beingbeaten by a man. While a man's success would be the same as any male inAmerica. The difference standards of success for men and women in othercountries and within America itself exhibit the subjectivity of success. Life revolves around success, but success is like beauty, it is in the eyeof the beholder. What one person may consider utter failure may be highsuccess in the eyes of another....