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I.Sam was in trouble when the stock market slide turned into a steep slope. He not only lost most of his millions; he was also exposed as having been engaged in financial practices, which were shady and even dishonest. One evening he was found in his office, a victim of suicide. Those attending his funeral including his wife, children, and his business partners.B)The agent is this specific situation is Sam, due the fact that he acted on committing suicide because he lost millions in the stock market. In this situation the action that occurs is a suicide act by Sam. The patients are this case is everyone who is involved. Sam is affected because he is not alive any longer. His wife and children will be affected by many aspects, income and companionship and being a positive role model to their children. Even his business partners will feel the impact on their work for either their mourning or they will have to take over his work before a replacement resides. The judge in the case is Sam because he decides to take his own life due to financial problems.Define:Agent: Is a person that has, is, or will act on a specific situation. Act: Is basically defined as what is being done in the situation. Patient: Who or what is being affected by the situation. Condition: The state, whether good or bad, of the patient in a situation. Judge: To be put simply, a judge makes decisions.D)The relationship that exists between the agent, act, patient, condition and judge are as follows. In this specific case Sam is both the agent and patient, this is true for the reason that same did act and commit suicide while being a judge and deciding to take his own life. The relationship between the action, committing suicide, and the patient, who or what is affected, is crucial because without Sam taking his own life no one will be affected to the extent which they are suffering from now. Sam decision or judgment emphasis the action of suicide. ...

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