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Convention and nature are different from one another. When someone is speaking in the conventional sense, then this can also be interpreted in the natural meaning. The same goes with someone speaking in the natural sense. This can be understood in the conventional meaning. An example of this is when Polus was conventionally speaking about baser and Socrates took this meaning as the natural meaning. In the natural sense, the meaning is that greater evil means baser, which is suffering wrongdoing. Doing wrong is baser in conventional meaning. The majority of mankind is made up of weaklings. These weaklings establish conventions to help themselves and to scare those who are stronger than them. Since these people are inferior, they are content to be equal to the stronger by use of these established conventions. It is said to be wrong when any one to try to get an advantage over the majority. In nature and natural law, it is survival of the strongest and fittest. This is not so in conventional law, which is the law of the majority. Being wiser and more intelligent than others means being better and stronger. Better and stronger are the people with courage and intelligence that know how to take care of political matters. Men should use their courage and intelligence to satisfy all of their wishes. Happiness and virtue consist of having excess, luxury and licence and everything else is worthless. People are already dead, their body is the tomb and their soul carries in contrary directions. A temperate life is better than an intemperate life and a persons life is temperate and is satisfied with what he has. Pleasure and pain can be experienced at the same time. Wise men, heroes, and fools feel pain and joy in the same degree. Where cowards feel pain and joy more than brave men. The good man is as good and bad as the bad man and the bad man is possibly better. These are the interpretations of Callicles by Socrates. Should the stronger ...

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