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Capital Punishment Justice can not be served until the debate on capital punishment is resolved and all states have come to an agreement that the death penalty is the best way to stop crime completely. The bottom line is, one method of execution is just as brutal as the next, says Mr. Breedlove of the National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty. Websters Dictionary New Riverside Desk Dictionary II Edition, defines execution as the act of putting someone to death lawfully. So if Breedloves words hold to be true, then what he believes is that someone going out a killing someone else is barbaric. In a sense he is saying that one way of killing is just as bad as any other. So if he finds this to be such a barbaric action why doesnt he do anything about it? Many people including people like Breedlove are only thinking of the criminal in this type of situation, yet do they ever stop to think about the families of these murder victims. The pain, the anguish, and the immense suffering these loved ones go through because of the actions of these merciless criminals. If you can, draw up from your memory the actions of Susan Smith. Yes thats right the woman whom drove her two innocent kids in to the lake. She willingly drove her car into the lake as her two young sons sit seatbelted in the backseat of her car. Susan then got out of the car and watched as the cabin of the car filled up with the icy cold water eventually drowning the two. Just think of how they felt as they sit in the car crying for their mother frantically, wondering why mommy left them there?. BarbaricBarbaric is exactly how I would describe her actions. Yet, the jury doing her case sentenced her to life not death. Mr. Smith, the father of the two, broken up by the ruling said, me and my family are disappointed that the death penalty was not the verdict, but it wasnt our choice. They returned a verdict that they thought was just. (L.A Times). But is it justice, that she was l...

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