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Euthanasiamercy or murder

Is it “mercy killing” or just plain killing? “In keeping with the root definition of ‘euthanasia’- literally [meaning] ‘good death’- [supporters] of euthanasia insist they are talking about helping terminally ill patients in insufferable pain die a dignified death- at the patient’s request. But thisbears no resemblance to the true picture of the actual practice of euthanasia in theUnited States” (Lyons np). Passive euthanasia is death by nonintervention, meaninga health care worker can discontinue providing life-sustaining treatment to thepatient, thus allowing him to die more quickly. “In all actuality, [passive]euthanasia often involves withholding food and water from a patient whose death iscaused by starvation or dehydration rather than the patient’s underlying disease”(Lyons np). In active euthanasia, a physician or family member takes the life of apatient by means of lethal injection, before he or she dies of a terminal illness orinjury. Currently, passive euthanasia is prohibited in most states, but not all. Whereas, active euthanasia is illegal in every state. Although many people believethat euthanasia is a way for people to die with dignity, it is the deliberate taking of ahuman life and should be banned because it is a clear form of murder. Of course, supporters of euthanasia do not agree that this is an act of murder,but rather they see it as an act of mercy. They believe that when an individual’squality of life is severely diminished by debilitating diseases or terminal illnesses, heor she should have the right to decide between life or death by euthanasia. Theystrongly feel that their love ones should be allowed to die peacefully, surrounded byfamily and friends. They believe that to assist a loved one with ‘mercy killing’ is anunselfish act of compassion, and to grant their last wish allows them to die withdignity. The mos...

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