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Will and Fran are two high school students who find themselves in a big predicament. Will and Fran have been going out for the last two years and have been sexual active over the past year. One night Will go over Fran’s house and there is know one home. They both start to get intimate with each other but Will realizes he has no condom. He persuades Fran she will not get pregnant and everything will be all right. They have sexual intercourse and they both agreed it was the best sex they ever had. Unfortunately, three weeks later Fran realizes that she is pregnant. Will and Fran decide not to tell their parents and handle the situation on their own. They have to decide on either to have the baby or have an abortion. Fran does not want to have that on her conscience so her decision is to keep the baby. Will ’s parents will kill him if they find out he is a father at the age of 17. Will keep persisted and trying to persuade Fran that it is a bad idea because they are so young and can’t raise a baby the way she would like to. It took two and a half months, but Will’s persistence paid off. Fran had the abortion for Will and after the procedure, everything was fine physical but mentally she was scared for life. II-Agent- Briefly described as someone who has, is, or will act. In this case the agents are Will and Fran. Will is an agent due to that he is acting on Fran to have the abortion because he does not want to get in trouble with his parents and they are not responsible enough to handle a baby at such a young age. Fran act is making Will change her decision to have the abortion and actually partaking in the procedure.Patients- Is basically defined as who or what is affected. In this particular case everyone involved is a patient. Will and Fran are affected because if they do not have the abortion they have to raise a baby at a very young age. If they have the abortion, they have to deal with ...

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