Recognizing, Preventing, Eliminating "As powerful a tool as the Net can be in spreading hate, it can be equally powerful in exposing the hate," writes Rick Goldberg in an essay in HateWatch, one of the leading monitors of racist and homophobic activity on the internet. While it is easy to dismiss groups that wage on those of the "deceived Hell- bound estate..." the majority of hate sites today affect a veneer of sophistication and supplicity that complement their often artful page Groups like HateWatch do not advocate censoring, or even hackingwhite supremacist, anti-religion, anti-arabic, or and anti-gay sites asmuch as catergorizing them by geography and there ideas. There is still the hope that such a database will link anti-hate forces as succesfully on the internet and group together of what were once scattered and mostly undefined forces of violent bigotry. I for one plan to devote my life in promoting tolerance, diversity and equality in society, religion, and politics through recognizing, prevention, and finally elimination.Before we can begin discussing bigotry and forms of hate we must first define and realize what exactly it is and how much it really effects us insociety. Hate Crimes are just not statistics, ask anyone who has everbeen inflicted by it. Its reality. Hate Crimes come in all shapes andsizes, they are targeted at a number of groups, of these groups mixed races, homosexuals, and religious differences seem to be the most. Lets examine in debth each of these three types of hate crimes.Mixed Races: Since the early development of society in the United States, racism has always been a diversive issue faced by communities on apolitical level. Our country was built from the immigration of people from an international array of backgrounds. However, multitudes of white supremacists blame their personal as well as economic misfortunes on an abundance of ethnic groups. African-Americans, Hispanic...