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“For I see in a mirror dimly, but then, face to face. For I know in part and I prophesy in part, but when the perfect comes, the partial will be done away.” 1 Corinthians 13:9-10. Genuine, authentic, original, existing, actual, substantive, tangible… Such words are seen as synonyms for the word real. When I am asked to decide on a definition for the idea of reality, I tend to think of all of these words, but the one that is the best representation of what is real is the word ultimate. In preparation for the writing of this paper, I have been talking to everyone that I come in contact with to see what he or she says about the idea of reality. The concept puzzles me, but as a person living here on the earth, I feel it necessary to have somewhat of idea of my beliefs on this topic.“Reality is a persons beliefs and values put into actualization.” “Reality is like the wind, always changing, yet always there.” “Nothing is real.” “Anything that is not in movies.” These are a few of the responses that I received, during the time that I spent communicating. I find it quite interesting that four people from the similar backgrounds and upbringings can have such differing views of this idea. As you can see, reality is a complex thing. I feel that there are two different types of reality. Personal reality is a person’s thoughts, things that they come in contact with, and everything that they believe in. Thus in my opinion, different things are real to different people. The other type of reality is ultimate reality. Anything that is constant and definitive, should be real to all, when in retrospect, the person might not admit that they feel that it is real. How can anything that does not change, not be real? There is one thing that we know does not change, and that is God. I am saying that reality is personal, except when it comes to the question of Is God rea...

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