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How do we know if love is a god or just a little baby we call cupid that flies around during Valentines? Platos Symposium is a piece of work that is dedicated to Eros the god of love. I choose to disuse Agathons and Socratess speeches because they are both similar in subject, but opposite in opinion. Socratess ideas on Eros, identify him as a spirit in-between beauty and good. He is also in-between love and knowledge. In Socratess form of Eros, Eros is not seen as a god who is contrary to Agathons speech. I defend Socrates because his ideas are thought out and argued in Symposium.Socortess speech starts out with a wise women named Diotima. She tells him how Eros came to be, she states that Eros was conceived on Aphdites birthday thats why he is also by nature a lover of beauty, because Aphrodite herself is especially beautiful (203C). Socrates added to this by saying since knowledge is beautiful and he is a lover of beauty he also is a philospilla. Eros then desires and seeks knowledge just as all human beings do. Finally since he seeks similar wants and needs as humans do, he is not a god but in-between the heavens and the earth as Socrates puts it he is a great spirit (202E).Agathon view of Eros is completely different, he focus on his dominance as a god. He states that Eros is the youngest god, he points this out by saying there was Gavaldon 2war with the gods but it ceased when Eros was present. Agathon than says that he has a hold on the gods because they themselves are in love. Since he is so supreme he is the creator of everything fair and good on earth. If Eros is both young and beautiful, he also has a hold on other gods from the effects of love. Agathon concludes Eros is the creator of everything good and fair. Thus Agathon states that Eros is the King of the Gods.Socrates and Agathon speeches come up with the extreme conclusion that the two give an in-depth look on the intentions and the roles Eros plays in our world. While...

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