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Kali vs Durga

Appearing in later Vedic literature of the Hindu religion are two goddesses, Durga and Kali. These goddesses have many similarities and differences. Kali and Durga are different in three ways. 1) Durga is a radiant warrior goddess and Kali is a bloodthirsty monster goddess. 2) Durga and Kali are both associated with the Hindu god Shiva. The two goddesses play different roles when they are with Shiva and affect him in different ways. 3) Durga maintains the balance of the cosmos while Kali destroys the balance. Durga and Kali are alike in three ways. 1) Neither of the goddesses fit into the normal social position for Hindu women. 2) Kali and Durga are one in the same. 3) Both goddesses are worshipped by blood sacrifice.Durga is a warrior queen who slays demons in the battle to keep the cosmos at balance. Durga is universally beautiful. She rides on a lion into battle and holds many weapons with her many hands attached to her many arms. David Kinsley, author of Hindu Goddesses, describes Durga as "The great battle queen with many arms, each which wields a weapon. She rides a fierce lion and is described as irresistible in battle." This is very different from the description of Kali, as said by the above author, "The goddess Kali is almost always described as having a terrible, frightening appearance. She is always black or dark, is usually naked, and has long disheveled hair." Kali likes to accent her naturally scary beauty by wearing severed heads, arms and dead children as jewelry. Blood seems to be her favorite cosmetic. The god Shiva is linked with both the battle goddesses. According to the book Religions of the World, seventh edition, written by Lewis M. Hopfe, (class book) Shiva is the god of death destruction and disease. Kali is Shiva's consort. Kali excites and empowers Shiva. When Kali is in one of her blood frenzies, she entices Shiva to join. Kali and Shiva exchange the destructive energy that builds b...

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