As our population increases, schools are being faced with the problems of overcrowding Many school districts are proposing a year round education program. I feelthat year round education is only a “quick fix” for school districts and will be detrimental toteachers, children, and families. Many schools are building trailers and additions to accommodatea higher capacity of students. Some districts are proposing building new schools. This raisesissues of changing boundarie bussing, and higher taxes. Some districts are proposing a multi-track year round education program. On the surface, year round education seems a logicalsolution to the overcrowding. Children are separated into four tracks. Each track follows adifferent schedule going to school for six weeks then having three weeks off. This means thatthere is a ays one track out of school. This plan increases the school’’s capacity by 25%. The yearround education plan will only temporarily save taxpayers money. Schools were not made to beyear round facilities, many schools are no even air conditioned. Maintenance and janitorial staffwill need to be hired full time year round. They ll have to put in over time to get projects doneand larger projects will need to be contracted out. The additional cost for transportation, utilities,support staff, ect, may not be worth the inconvenience. Not to mention the extra wear that aschool ill take by having children in it year round. In the long run, maintaining a school for a fullyear may prove to be more costly. Staff burnout is another concern with year round education.Teachers will no longer be able to supplement their income during the summer with seasonal jobs.In some plans teachers will be able to either take the breaks with the children or act as a s stitutefor the tracks who are in school. If the teachers choose to substitute they will miss out on theirbreaks, leaving little time for planning and relaxation. ...