PriceCase Study #1: Nancy DurhamNancy Durham is a freelance video journalist for CBC, cable news, and BritishChannel 4, to name a few. Her journalistic objective is to “make viewers care about ordinarypeople trapped in wars”. While investigating the Balkan area, she met an 18 year old girl namedRajmonda that was recovering in a hospital from the trauma of seeing her sister, Quendressa,killed in a Serb attack. She expressed to Durham how she was thinking about joining the KLA. By the request of the news stations, Durham returns to KLA headquarters to do a set offollow-ups on Rajmonda. This is how Durham finds that Rajmonda not only lied and was alreadya member of the KLA before she met the reporter, but her sister is in fact alive and well. NancyDurham’s story had been reported in three different countries and more than once. How couldshe effectively remain a credible journalist while still holding her vow to help those “trapped inwar”? Should Nancy run(ignore the fact that her story is false) or should she stay and face it?See Nancy run. Nancy Durham can now be accused of deceiving the public andfabricating the facts, even if it was mainly Rajmonda’s abuse of the publicity she granted to her. She has a duty as a journalist to “truth in reporting”, which defines the lack of accuracy andresearch in her depiction of war in the Balkan area. Nancy Durham could completely ignore themistakes she made in hopes that it would fall out of the news. But then she would be constantlyworried that interested news stations would appoint another journalist to follow-up on her story,hence, exposing her inaccuracies. See Nancy fall. Her fleeing of the dilemma, could be the verything that signifies her guilt and lack of honesty. German philosopher Immanuel Kant, a believer in “truth for truth”, would say that themasses have a right to know that they have been deceived by the journali...