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Over the past few years the Internet has brought about drastic change in the way we do business. The Internet brought about the birth of what is known today as Electronic-commerce. Electronic commerce or e-commerce is the name given to doing business on the Internet or electronically. Along with e-commerce has come a whole new way of doing business. Now the consumer has the power over the seller. Competition has increased because now instead of a competitor being a couple of miles away, they are one click away. This makes comparing prices and finding the best deal very easy. E-commerce has also changed the way products become available. Anyone from anywhere in the world can buy something from anywhere in the world without ever leaving their computer. This new way of doing business has also created a whole new sector of business. This technological sector has surged in recent years making many people very rich and providing millions of jobs worldwide.One such company that has grown tremendously as a result of e-commerce is Dell Computer Corporation. Dell Computer Corporation, or Dell, was founded in 1984 by Michael Dell on the concept of selling computer systems directly to the consumer. Based in Austin, Texas, Dell has become the world’s leading direct computer systems supplier. Dell feels that by selling directly to the customer they are able to better understand what the customer wants and needs in a computer system. Their $32 billion in revenues last year shows that they were on the right track. Dell offers a wide range of computer systems that can all be tailored and customized to a user’s specifications. This enables any user to simply log-on to the Dell website and build a custom computer system in a matter of minutes. Before e-commerce it would have taken much more time and a few phone calls to accomplish the same feat. But as I stated before, along with e-commerce came a greater amount of competit...

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