Book Reports
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Title Word Count
A Raisin In The Sun 859
a doll house 3159
A Tale of Two Cities 1014
All the presidents men 701
Agenda Setting 1787
An Amazing Book 2009
A Farewell to Arms 571
assassination at sarajevo 572
African Americans unnoticed 484
A Seperate Peace 431
A Farewell to Arms1 790
alive book report 1003
A seperate piece 458
Awakening 612
An American Tragedy 502
Angelas Ashes 664
All Quiet On The Western Front 1332
Awakening Eyes 3743
a separate peace 289
An Analytical Essay Explaining Why Arthur Miller Wrote The Crucible 724
A Dolls House 379
ANtigone 305
Alice in Wonderland 687
A Wrinkle In Time 784
As I lay Dying 619
A Clockwork Orange 1560
A Lesson Before Dying 1621
a separate peace1 697
Adventures of huckleberry Finn 1057
A seperate Peace 836
A Separate Peace Phineas and Carpe Diem 445
animal farm 2804
american dream 476
Antigone A Greek Tragedy 851
Alphonso Pinkney8217s Black American Chronic Social Problems 4904
As I Lay Dying 617
Antigone 648
A Seperate Peace1 1077
A Farewell to Arms Comparison Essay The Great Gatsby 1269
A Man For All Seasons 448
a worn path 849
Analysis of A Rose For Emily 1179
Animal Farm 1655
abandoning satan 1526
As I Lay Dying A Synapsis of Darl 826
appleby book review 805
Analytical Essay on Captains Courageous 964
Across Five Aprils 833
A Descriptive Analysis of NiggerThe Meaning of a Word 1218
Anne frank 865
Affliction by Russell Banks 1620
Achilles and Patroklos 493
All the Presidents Men 4997
anna karenina 1380
A room of Ones own 2062
A Rose for Emily 775
Animal Farm2 1519
America The Unusual by John W Kingdon 1431
A Farewell to arms 1540
A good man is hard to find 1295
Animal Farm4 1325
Angels in America 1210
Anne Frank 1651
A Closer look at Ibsens A Dolls House 957
Arrow of God 1372
Always Be Closing 934
Animal Farm The Fable The Satire The Allegory 1242
A Separate Peace 429
A Thousand Days In so many words 978
A Lesson Before Dying 753
Ariosto8217s Orlando Furioso 685
A Stillness at Appomattox 1383
A Farwell to Arms 2103
all quiet on the western front 780
Allies For Freedom 1493
As I Lay Dying1 811
A Child Called 1192
abigail in the crucible act 1 600
Atomic bombing 1066
a lesson before dying 995
aeneid 1198
Alas babylon 516
Assia Djebars Fantasia 1336
aztecsinga clendinnen 963
A Personal interpratation of The Fall of the House of Usher By Edgar Allan Poe 1580
alias grace 1378
A Dolls House The arantella 379
A lesson before dying 512
A Happy Journey The Stage Manager 642
A look into george Bluestones Novels into Films 719
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