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A Rose for Emily

-William Faulkner In the story A Rose for Emily, William Faulkner, the author talks about a life of a woman and the town she lived in. The story begins just when miss Emily died. The author doesnt tell us much about that time except that many people were interested to see what was in her house.As the story progresses, the author decides to jump all the way to the beginning when miss Emily was still a young woman and her father was still alive. During that time, the town felt bad for poor miss Emily and thought that she was going to die with out a husband by her side, since her father didnt like any men that liked his daughter.Later on, the author gets to the time when her father just died. Miss Emily felt so alone that she decided to keep her dead fathers body in the house, and not let anyone take him away from her. After the neighbors kept coming to the city council and complaining about the fowl smell that was coming from miss Emilys house, the judge sent a few men to put lime around the house to kill the smell. As the reader later finds out, the smell was coming from miss Emilys fathers decaying body. Finely the authorities took the dead body out of the house and buried it. As the story goes on, the reader is told that the town was being renovated, streets being paved and such. With the renovators, came a young man, by the description, he was a handsome young man. The town kept talking as they always did, gossiping about miss Emily and after Homer Barron and miss Emily were started being seen together, the town thought they were going to get married. Unfortunate for miss Emily, Homer Barron enjoyed the company of men. After find this out, miss Emily came to a drug store and ordered their strongest poison. When the druggist asked her what she needed it for, she refused to say. After that, the town thought that poor miss Emily was going ...

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