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Generally people have little knowledge of the actual gist beside the term genetically engineered foods? It may sound like a harsh term, yet to some, it has little to no importance. Genetic engineering basically means to remove genes from one organism such as a plant or an animal, and transferring it to another or altering genes from a plant or an animal in order to attain certain results. Much debating goes on about the issues in the controversy over genetically engineered foods. While some people do not seem to mind it, or choose to foresee the issues regarding it, some people have much stronger feelings against the practice. Many important issues evolve around genetically engineered foods, but a few of the main issues consist of whether consuming good generated via genetic engineering will prove itself as safe, helpful and beneficial to health.Many people have feelings of uncertainty about consuming genetically engineered food, as a result of uncertainty about the safety of doing so. In the article, “Frankenfood Frenzy,” consumers and health activist groups find genetic engineering on food unsafe. In addition, Greenpeace calls genetically modified food “biological pollution” (Frenzy 1). People tend to feel that consuming genetically modified foods could have harmful results and could in the long run contribute towards the development of health problems (Frenzy 1). Yet on the other hand, to some people genetically engineered bear out safety. Gregory Jaffe and Doug Sherman, co-directors of the Biotechnology Project at the Center for Science stated that people should not portray nervousness about eating genetically engineered foods. He mentioned that in most cases, people do not actually eat those genes. For example, by the time a genetically engineered corn plant gets processed into corn oil or corn syrup, virtually none of the genes remain in the food (Jaffe 2). Doug Sherman stated that genetical...

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