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the scarlett letter

Hawthorne's novel, The Scarlet Letter, is a brilliant story about truth He wrote The Scarlet Letter during a time in the 19th centurywhen romantic literature was popular in America. His tale dwells on thesin of adultery in a Puritan village. The first character that Hawthorne putsto life is Hester Prynne, a young bride awaiting her husband. Next,Hawthorne suspiciously sneaks Arthur Dimmesdale into the plot, aninspired Puritan minister who is beloved by the citizens. After Hawthornereveals Dimmesdale's sinister secret, and link to Hester, it is noticeable thatDimmesdale does not have the love for Hester as she holds for him.It is obvious from the beginning that Hester loves Dimmesdale.When she is being grilled for the identity of the father of her child in frontof the entire village, she cares for him enough to refuse to reveal hisidentity. When offered the chance to remove the scarlet letter "A" if she would only speak his name and repent, she stands up to the crowd andrefuses to give in to its pressure. Another noticeable feature of her love forDimmesdale is that she remains in the village as an outcast rather thanfleeing to a more accepting environment, where she might possibly live a normal life. According to the narrator, she could not leave this placebecause; "there trode the feet of one with whom she deemed herselfconnected in a union, that, unrecognized on earth, would bring themtogether before the bar of final judgment". She realizes that she cannotlead a normal life in this community with Dimmesdale, but even so, shecannot bring herself to leave him. This is evidence of her love for him. Hester endures pain and torment alone, without even the support ofher partner in sin. Even so, she still feels more anguish over being thecause of Dimmesdale's pain than she does for the humiliation of beingbranded impure before her community. As she states herself, underquestioning by the ministers before the town "...and would that I mighte...

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