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the Caterbury tales

When thinking of the figures in the church, they are thought to be loyal, respectful, Sadly to say this, but not all figures follow that description. In“The Canterbury Tales”, Chaucer shows the corruption of the church in the medievalperiod through some of his characters, particularly through the Nun, the Monk, andthe Friar. Yet, Chaucer does show one character, the Parson, as goodness and holinessin the church.Nuns are member of a religious order for women, living in a convent undervows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. Their orders vary in the stipulations of thevows, some being permanent, and others only for fixed periods of time. The ordersvary in dress, purpose, and rule, but generally follow the same basic principles. Thenuns are devoted to a purely meditative life or to a life of charity, including teachingand nursing. The head of convent is addressed by a number of different namesincluding abbess, prioress, and mother superior, and a nun is generally addressed as"Sister."Madam Eglantyne is not all what she is expected to be. Even though her smilemay be “very simple and coy” (Prologue, 123), she is not into the life of charity orcompletely devoting herself to God. She owned little dogs and cried when one ofthem died. She is zestful and is “very entertaining, pleasant, and friendly in her ways”(Prologue, 141-142). She has rosy cheeks with a wide forehead, which in these timesis thought of a sign of beauty. She wears “a coral trinket on her arm” (Prologue, 162)with gaudies, large praying beads, and a “golden brooch of brightest sheen” (Prologue,164) with a graven crown saying “amor vincit omnia” (Prologue, 166) meaning Loveconquers all. Worldly possessions are not allowed for nuns to have yet she has a dog,a trinket and a brooch. One positive point is that she does have a clean mouth andwatches what she says.Monks have abandoned the world for rel...

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