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summary of oedipus rex

The play opens with the citizens of Thebes gathering around the Theban palace. Oedipus the king exits the Theban palace. He inquires to a priest as to why his followers are praying and lamenting. The priest explains that they are praying to the gods to end the plague; which has struck their city. This plague had rendered crops useless, wasted all the pastures, and left woman sterile and unborn children dead. The priest begs for Oedipus’ help. Oedipus tells the priest that he feels the city’s pain. He states the pain he endures is worse for he feels the pain of all the people of Thebes. Oedipus says that he has known of the plague for a while, and has searched the ends of his mind for an answer. He tries to ease the pain of his citizens and give them hope by telling them he has sent his brother-in-law, Creon to the oracle at Delphi. Creon appears bearing good news, the oracle knows the cause of the curse. He says that Thebes houses filth and only when this filth is banished will the plague be lifted. The filth is the murderer of the previous king, Laios. Oedipus asks Creon for the details of the king’s death. Creon explains that Laios was killed as he left Thebes on a pilgrimage. He states that the only survivor said robbers killed the king. Oedipus asks why the murder was not investigated fully, and Creon explains that the Sphinx’ song and the problems of Thebes demanded attention first. Oedipus swears to find the killer of king Laios, not only for the city’s sake but to ensure his own safety as well.Sardinha-2Parodos :It is at this point in the play that we first meet the chorus. The chorus made up of Theban elders, expresses a sense of fear for what Oedipus might uncover. They proceed to describe the plague and the misfortunes that have fallen on the city. They also cry to the gods for their intervention.Scene I:Oedipus exits the palace and asks for the help of the citizens of Thebes...

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