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streetcar named desire

A Streetcar Named Desire, by Tennessee Williams, is a play which deals with many harsh issues like spousal abuse, rape, and insanity. The playis mainly about Blanche and her sister Stella. Blanche arrives at hersisters house after being fired from the school where she taught andafter loosing the big family house. She says she is on a leave ofabsence, but Stella and her husband, Stanley, soon find out the truth.Throughout the play Blanche acts as someone she isnt, in order to hideher past and hope that someone will desire her. Her escape is futile forher past is uncovered, and her last chance to meet a man isdestroyed.The main theme of this play is the uselessness of escape.Blanche arrives at her sisters house acting like someone she isnt. Herdirty past, and her motives for puting on this act are quicklydiscovered and Blanche ends up in a nut house. When Blanche arrives at her sisters home she says that she has come tostay with them temporarily because she has lost the family estate (shecould no longer support it financially). Blanche has an air ofsuperiority, indirectly commenting on where her sister lives and actingas if she has more class. When Stanley meets Blanche he is quicklysuspicious of how she obtained all of her clothes, furs and jewelry. Inthe third scene Stanley is drunk after a poker night and hits his wife.They reconciliate the same night and Blanche puts on an act of howterrified she is, even after being reassured by two people the eventwasnt a big deal. In scene four Blanche tells her sister about one ofher rich friends that could send her some money and get her out of herbind. This is a lie, later on Stanley finds out that this man is notrich, and just an old aquantance of Blanche. Later on Blanche has aconverstaion with Stella, which Stanley over hears, where she speaks ofStanley calling him primitive and saying he has animal like behaviors.This turns Stanley against Stella, even though he says nothing to he...

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