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A true "giant" in the game of football! When people think of great quarterback a few names come to mind such as Montana, Joe Namath, and Dan Marino. Dan Marino holds many of the greatrecorders held in his position. Even though he never won the ring he alwayswanted Born Daniel Constantine Marino JR., born on September 15, 1961. InPittsburgh,Pennsylvania in the western part of the state. Dan grew up in Parkview Avenue inthe south Oakland section of Pittsburgh. With his father Dan senior, his motherveronica, and two younger sisters. His father grew up there and his grandfathercame form Pittsburgh from Italy. His father drove a truck for the PittsburghPress newspaper. And often worked as a landscaper part time. He got Dan involvedwith sports young. Dan's Father helped make the perfect release that we all know abouttoday. Hisfather would tell young Dan throws it from your ear. His dad would hit grounderat him or throw the football. Raising an all pro is what he was doing. He showedgreat skills at a young age and a powerful arm. In fourth grade is when Dan'stalent began to blossom. Although Dan was a great athlete school was anotherthing. His graders were bad and he was not to smart. He went to St. Regis School, which was located directly across from hishome. He attended High school at Central Catholic High school. His strong armand hislove for competition helped him become a leader on the football field as well ason the baseball field. Dan became a young start at his school. As a freshmenands sophomore he was back up varsity quarterback. Then his junior year he whenhe began to shine in the pocket. He broke every passing record at his school. Hewas also punter and place kicker for his team. His senior year he was named to the high school all American team byParadeMagazine.Mean while Dan's rifle arm also impressed many baseball scouts. The CincinnatiReds clocked his fastball at 92 miles per...

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